1965-11-01 Warren Buffett's Letters to Limited Partners

1965-11-01 Warren Buffett's Letters to Limited Partners





November 1, 1965

To My Partners for 1966:

致 1966 年的各位合伙人:

Enclosed are:


(1) Two copies or the commitment letter for 1966, one to be kept by you and one returned to us. You may amend the commitment letter right up to midnight, December 31st. So get it back to us early, and if it needs to be changed, just let us know by letter or phone. Commitment letters become final on December 31st. Every year I get a number or calls in the first week in January expressing a desire to add to the January 1st capital. THIS CAN'T BE DONE.

(1) 两份 1966 年承诺书,一份由你保留,一份寄还给我们。承诺书可于 12 月 31 日零点之前修改,所以请尽早返还给我们。如果需要更改,提前写信或打电话给我们即可。12 月 31 日,承诺书最终生效后不可更改。投入资金起始时间为 1 月 1 日。每年 1 月份的第一周,都会有许多合伙人打来电话,询问能否追加 1 月 1 日投入的资金。逾期无法追加。

(2) A copy of our ever-popular "The Ground Rules."1 It is essential that we see eye-to-eye on the matters covered therein. If you have different views - fine, yours may be better - but you shouldn't be in the partnership. Please particularly note Ground Rule 7. This has been added this year reflecting a moderate shift in my attitude over a period of time. It represents a decidedly unconventional (but logical in my opinion when applied to our operation) approach and is therefore specifically called to your attention.

(2) 一份每年必备的“基本原则”(The Ground Rules)1。所有合伙人务必认同其中的每一条原则。如果你有不同意见,没问题,你说的可能更对,但是合伙基金不适合你。请特别注意第七条基本原则。经过深思熟虑,我的想法略有改变,所以今年增加了这一条。这一条所说的做法在我们的投资活动中符合逻辑,但是与常规做法大相径庭,所以我请各位特别注意。

Any withdrawals will be paid January 5th. You may withdraw any amount you desire from $100 up to your entire equity. Similarly, additions can be for any amount and should reach us by January 10th. In the event you are disposing of anything, this will give you a chance to have the transaction in 1966 if that appears to be advantageous for tax reasons. If additions reach us in November, they take on the status of advance payments and draw 6% interest until yearend. This is not true of additions reaching us in December.

所有提现将在 1 月 5 日支付。提现金额没有限制,最低 100 美元,最高所有权益。同样,追加投资金额也没有限制,但应在 1 月 10 日之前存入。你可以选择在 1966 年完成上述交易,或许能节省一些税款。如果追加资金在 11 月份存入,则将视为预先存入资金,在年底前可获得 6% 的利息。12 月份存入的追加资金无利息。

The partnership owns a controlling interest in Berkshire Hathaway Inc., a publicly-traded security. As mentioned in my midyear letter, asset values and earning power are the dominant factors affecting the valuation of a controlling interest in a business. Market price, which governs valuation of minority interest positions, is of little or no importance in valuing a controlling interest. We will value our position in Berkshire Hathaway at yearend at a price halfway between net current asset value and book value. Because of the nature of our receivables and inventory this, in effect, amounts to valuation of our current assets at 100 cents on the dollar and our fixed assets at 50 cents on the dollar. Such a value in my opinion is fair to both adding and withdrawing partners. It may be either of lower than market value at the time.

合伙基金现已拥有伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的控股权益,伯克希尔是一家公开上市的公司。如 7 月份信中所述,在我们取得控股权益的公司中,资产价值和盈利能力是影响估值的主导因素。市场价格支配的是少数股东权益价值,对控股权益估值没多大意义。今年年末,我们对伯克希尔哈撒韦公司控股权益的估值将介于净流动资产价值和账面价值二者之间。鉴于应收账款和存货的性质,在上述估值方法中,流动资产以账面价值计算,固定资产以 50% 的折价率计算。这个估值对追加投资和提取现金的合伙人都公平,它可能高于也可能低于市值。

As I write this, we are orbiting in quite satisfactory fashion. Our margin over the Dow is well above average, and even those Neanderthal partners who utilize such crude yardsticks as net profit would find performance satisfactory. This is all, of course, subject to substantial change by yearend.


If anything needs clarification, call or write John Harding who is in charge of "de-confusing" partners. The tax situation is about as reported in the August letter, but if you would like John to make the calculation for you, he will be glad to do it.

如有任何疑问,请联系约翰•哈丁 (John Harding),他负责解答合伙人的疑问。纳税情况与 8 月份信中所述相同,如果需要约翰帮你估算需要缴纳的税金,请与他联系。

Warren E. Buffett

沃伦 E. 巴菲特谨上

P/S: We are continuing our "no prize" policy for the last ones to get their commitment letters back to us. It will make things easier for us if you get it back pronto. If you want to make changes later (before January lst), just give us a call, and we'll amend it for you.

又及:一如既往,我们还是不会给最晚寄回资料的合伙人颁奖。请火速寄回承诺书,谢谢合作。如果你需要进行更改(1 月 1 日之前),随时联系我们,我们会帮你修改。

RanRan 补充内容

1963 年 1 月 18 日信中的“基本原则”


  1. 合伙基金绝对不向合伙人做任何收益率保证。按照每月 0.5% 利率提现的合伙人就是在提取自己的现金。如果我们的长期收益率高于每年 6%,合伙人的盈利金额会大于提现金额,合伙人的本金会增加。如果我们收益率达不到 6%,则每月的利息部分是或全部是本金的返还。
  2. 对于获得利息的合伙人而言,某一年我们的业绩没达到 6% 以上,下一年他们得到的利息会减少。
  3. 我们在讲每年的收益或亏损时,说的都是市值变化,也就是年末与年初相比,按市值计算的资产变化。报税时使用的是实现的损益,在任何一年中,我们所说的合伙基金的年度收益与应税所得额基本无关。
  4. 我们做的好坏与否,不能用我们某一年的盈亏衡量。衡量我们表现的标准是投资股票的普遍业绩,即与道指和大型基金对比。只要我们的业绩高于标准,无论我们盈亏,我们都认为这一年做得很好。如果我们低于标准,我应该受到责备。
  5. 评价表现应该看五年,至少要看三年,低于三年的业绩没意义。我们的合伙基金肯定有落后道指的年份,甚至是远远落后。除非处于投机炽热的疯牛市,如果三年或三年以上,我们表现不如道指,我们都应该把钱拿出来,另寻门路。
  6. 我不做预测股市涨跌或经济波动的事。如果你觉得我能预测出来,或者认为不预测就做不了投资,合伙基金不适合你。
  7. 我无法向合伙人承诺业绩。我能做出承诺并保证做到的是:
    1. 我们选择投资的依据是价值高低,不是流行与否。
    2. 我们在每一笔投资中都追求极大的安全边际并分散投资,力图将永久性资本损失(不是短期账面亏损)的风险降到绝对最小值。
    3. 我的妻子、子女和我把我们的所有净资产都投在合伙基金里。


  1. 与大多数同行相比,我们的分散程度远远更低。一笔投资,我们掌握了事实和逻辑,正确的概率极大,与此同时,这笔投资的内在价值不可能出现根本变化,出错的概率很小,在这种情况下,我们可能最多拿出 40% 的净资产用于这笔投资。

这个原则的修改,是因为合伙基金用 40% 的净资产投资了美国运通。

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