“A More Entrepreneurial Apple.”
Steve was not yet CEO when he sent a company-wide email laying out plans to “take Apple back to its roots.”
史蒂夫当时还不是首席执行官,他向全公司发送了一封电子邮件,提出了 "让苹果回归本源 "的计划。
From: Steve Jobs
To: Apple employees
Subject: A More Entrepreneurial Apple
Date: August 12, 1997, 8:20 a.m.
Renewing Apple is a journey, and we have begun that journey during the past four weeks by taking some decisive first steps—a new Board of Directors, a new product strategy and product roadmap, a decision to really focus on two market segments (education and creative content), a new advertising agency, and a detente and working partnership with Microsoft. Last week we announced some of these steps at MacWorld, and so far our shareholders and the public seem to approve.
苹果的复兴是一个过程,在过去的四周里,我们已经开始了这一过程,采取了一些果断的初步措施--新的董事会、新的产品战略和产品路线图、真正专注于两个细分市场(教育和创意内容)的决定、新的广告公司以及与微软的缓和与合作关系。上周,我们在 MacWorld 上宣布了其中的一些措施,到目前为止,我们的股东和公众似乎都表示赞同。
Today we are taking a few more steps which will begin to take Apple back to its roots as a more egalitarian, entrepreneurial company. They are:
1. Stock Options - From now on, we will be using stock options as a primary form of “beyond-salary” compensation. Stock options are egalitarian (when anyone’s stock goes up $1 per share, everyone’s stock goes up $1 per share) and they are the best way to give our employees a true stake in the company’s future success. And, we want our employees to be rewarded by the company’s success in the same way that our public shareholders are: through stock appreciation. To lead the way, the Executive Team has agreed to forfeit their current and future cash bonus plans in exchange for more stock options.
1.股票期权 - 从现在起,我们将把股票期权作为 "工资以外 "报酬的主要形式。股票期权是平等的(当任何人的股票每股上涨 1 美元时,每个人的股票每股也会上涨 1 美元),它是让我们的员工真正与公司未来的成功息息相关的最佳方式。而且,我们希望我们的员工也能像我们的公众股东一样,从公司的成功中获得回报:通过股票增值。为了起到带头作用,高管团队同意放弃当前和未来的现金分红计划,以换取更多的股票期权。
As you know, we repriced all stock options to $13.25 on July 11th. In addition, I am pleased to announce that on August 5th our Board approved new stock option grants totaling six million shares at the price of $19.75. Those receiving these new grants will get the good news later this week.
众所周知,我们在 7 月 11 日将所有股票期权的价格重新调整为 13.25 美元。此外,我很高兴地宣布,8 月 5 日,我们的董事会批准以 19.75 美元的价格授予总计 600 万股的新股票期权。获得这些新股票期权的人将在本周晚些时候收到好消息。
Apple has granted stock options for over 10 million shares since the beginning of this calendar year, and employees now hold stock options for over 20 million shares - which is more than 16% of Apple’s total outstanding shares. This is a very high percentage for a company of Apple’s size, and comparable to many valley start-ups. As we restore Apple’s fortunes, our public shareholders and our employee stock option holders will all benefit in harmony.
2. New Severance Plan - Effective today, we are changing our severance plan for all employees to be more in line with an entrepreneurial company. There will now be only one severance plan for all employees. This plan, like the previous plans, will provide a 60 day notice period, with full pay and benefits. In addition, employees will be eligible to receive one additional week of severance pay for each full year of service. For example, if you have worked at the company for more than three but less than four years, you will receive your pay and benefits during the 60 day notice period plus severance payments equal to three weeks of pay. This new severance plan applies to all employees of Apple, Claris, and Newton in the US - there is no longer a separate executive severance plan.
2.新的离职计划--从今天起,我们将改变所有员工的离职计划,使其更符合创业型公司的要求。现在,所有员工只有一个离职计划。该计划与之前的计划一样,将提供 60 天的通知期,并提供全额工资和福利。此外,员工每服务满一年,将有资格获得额外一周的遣散费。例如,如果您在公司工作了三年以上但不满四年,您将在 60 天的通知期内获得工资和福利,外加相当于三周工资的遣散费。这项新的离职计划适用于美国 Apple、Claris 和 Newton 公司的所有员工,不再有单独的高管离职计划。
We will be changing our international severance policies to be in line with this new plan to the extent permitted under local laws.
3. Sabbatical Program - Apple needs all hands on deck for the foreseeable future as we turn our company’s fortunes around. We are therefore discontinuing the sabbatical program at the end of our current fiscal year. Employees who have earned their sabbatical as of September 26, 1997, will be eligible to take their sabbatical at a mutually agreeable time during fiscal year 1998. This applies to all employees of Apple, Claris, and Newton worldwide.
3.休假计划 - 鉴于我们在可预见的未来需要所有员工齐心协力扭转公司局面,我们决定在本财年结束后取消休假计划。已经在1997年9月26日之前获得休假的员工,可以在1998财年内与公司协商一致后,安排休假时间。这项规定适用于苹果公司、Claris和Newton在全球范围内的所有员工。
4. Corporate Travel - Corporate travel will continue to be constrained to essential trips. Our egalitarian travel policy specifies coach class travel for everyone on trips lasting less than 10 hours, and business class travel for everyone on trips of 10 hours or longer. Of course individuals may use their personal funds or mileage awards to upgrade their seating class. For clarification, flights between San Francisco and Tokyo (either direction) are eligible for business class travel.
4.公司差旅 - 公司差旅将继续限制在必要的出差范围内。我们的平等差旅政策规定,对于少于10小时的旅程,所有人都应乘坐经济舱;对于10小时或以上的旅程,所有人可乘坐商务舱。当然,个人可以使用个人资金或里程奖励来升级座位等级。为进一步说明,旧金山与东京之间的航班(无论哪个方向)均符合乘坐商务舱的条件。
5. Facilities - We will continue to move as many employees as possible onto our R&D Campus site. We will greatly benefit by the resulting “beehive” effects, including faster communication paths and more unplanned interactions between the various groups. Reflecting this consolidation, we are renaming the R&D Campus to the Apple Campus, beginning today.
5.设施 - 我们将继续将尽可能多的员工迁至我们的研发园区。这样做将带来“蜂巢效应”的巨大好处,包括更快的沟通路径和各个团队之间更多的非计划性互动。为了反映这一整合,我们从今天开始将研发园区更名为苹果园区。
Thank you for your support as we work together to renew Apple.
在我们共同努力更新 Apple 的过程中,感谢您的支持。
Steve and the Executive Team
Email Exchange with Avie Tevanian
“There is something good here worth saving.”
Avie Tevanian ran software engineering at NeXT and assumed the same role at Apple when it acquired NeXT. He told Steve that the Apple culture at the time of the acquisition was so bad that perhaps the best move might be to sell the company.
阿维-特瓦尼安(Avie Tevanian)在 NeXT 负责软件工程,苹果收购 NeXT 时,他也担任了同样的职务。他告诉史蒂夫,收购时的苹果文化非常糟糕,也许最好的办法就是出售公司。
From: Avadis Tevanian
To: Steve Jobs
Subject: Apple engineers
Date: August 14, 1997, 9:31 p.m.
The last couple of weeks have been quite interesting. With this kernel issue spinning out of control it is clear to me that the “cancer” within Apple, which we had put into remission (at least in SW engineering) a few months ago, came back with a vengeance. I am now applying a new chemo treatment in an attempt to put it back into remission—and I think it will be successful—but we will definitely have another wave of resignations from the sharks that smelled the blood in the water. A bunch of people will get over it, but many will not.
The net is the really bad Apple culture we’ve heard about still lurks out there. And I am convinced that a major problem with past management was their inability to deal with it. While I am a strong-willed person who can survive almost anything (hey, you’ve seen it first hand), I must admit these guys are wearing me down. Without any emotional tie to Apple (I, of course, have none) it gets increasing difficult to come to work each day. And while I can certainly treat the patient this time I wonder how long it will be before the cancer comes out of remission again. The context of a continuation of revenue decrease, losing quarters and ongoing restructuring does not help.
In the case of the kernel issue & OS roadmap I know the decisions we’ve made are the right decisions. And each day, as I discuss it with more and more people, I believe it even more. In fact, I’ve discovered just how conniving some of these folks can be just to push their agenda—including pretty severe obfuscation of facts. While the source of this is probably only a few people, they are able to quickly spread “evil thoughts” throughout the population that is just looking for a place to make a stand.
Combine this all with the reaction to the sabbatical program—which has been very poorly received in engineering (I’ve heard threats of a “sick-out”), and it makes me think this company isn’t worth saving. At least not for the sake of the employees. Yes, I feel for the customers. Yes, the shareholders deserve fair value. And yes, I worry about the ex-NeXTers we dragged into this. But it is not at all clear to me that the employees deserve to “win.” This, of course, is an overgeneralization, and there are some very good folks here, but you get the gist of this.
It really makes me think that maybe now is the time to seriously consider selling the company. It’s not clear we’ll ever again have the positive aura that we have now—at least temporarily.
Anyway, we should get together and discuss all this sometime—face to face, 1-1—not on the phone. Not urgent—I’m a survivor—but when we both have some time.
From: Steve Jobs
To: Avadis Tevanian
Subject: Apple engineers
Date: August 14, 1997, 10:02 p.m.
You know, I have had the same feeling lately—that Apple employees don’t deserve to be saved. They think they work so hard—heck, I don’t see it. They also think they have no responsibility for any of the mess that Apple’s in.

自助者天助-》自助者他助,只有自助者才值得帮助,如果没有一个良性的apperceptive masses(统觉团)能够从脑子里挣扎爬出来,任何程度的外部力量都不会有效果。
I don’t know who they think engineered and shipped such bad products, who created and authorized such bad marketing, who caused the support to be so bad, etc… They just don’t want to share any responsibility for the current state of the company…
But, there is something good here worth saving. I don’t quite know how to express it, but it has to do with the fact that Apple is the ONLY alternative to Windows and that Apple can still inject some new thinking into the equation.
Let’s go for a walk and talk about this sometime soon,
From: Avadis Tevanian
To: Steve Jobs
Subject: Re: Apple engineers
Date: August 25, 1997, 10:05 p.m.
We really need to get together to discuss this and other issues related to the “product strategy” and overall management of the company. I am worried about a number of the pieces of the puzzle and as a result am completely unmotivated to do what it takes to turn this company around. And for the first time in 10 years I don’t even feel like challenging your ideas when I disagree—which scares me because I believe as a “team” we work best when we challenge each other and come out all-the-better for it.
I am going to sleep on this some more tonight (I feel fried already and it’s only Monday evening—even the weekends aren’t sufficient to recharge these days). I have a pretty hectic schedule tomorrow (except for late in the day) but have lots of available time on Wednesday. Let me know when you’re available.
From: Steve Jobs
To: Avadis Tevanian
Subject: Re: Apple engineers
Date: August 25, 1997, 10:26 p.m.
Please continue to challenge me. It’s the way we get to the right decisions, and I enjoy it too.