Email from Steve to Himself
“Apple’s Reason For Being.”
Steve often captured his thoughts by emailing himself notes.
From: Steve Jobs
To: Steve Jobs
Subject: Apple’s reason for being
Date: October 29, 2000, 4:39 p.m.
Apple is the world’s premier company at building high technology products that are easy to learn and use by mere mortals. Beginning over 20 years ago, Apple has consistently set the standard for easy to use computer systems and software. Why do we do this? Because we are in love with the potential for personal computers to enhance and enrich the lives of regular people - not just with spreadsheets and databases, but with creative
苹果公司是全球首屈一指的高科技产品制造商,其产品易于普通人学习和使用。从 20 多年前开始,苹果公司就一直为简单易用的计算机系统和软件设定标准。我们为什么这样做?因为我们深爱个人电脑的潜力,它可以提高和丰富普通人的生活--不仅仅是电子表格和数据库,而且还有创造性。
We’re a creatively driven company in everything we do. From breakthrough product features and operating systems to culturally leading product design and advertising. Heck, we INVENTED the personal computer, spawned desktop publishing and are now bringing desktop movies to millions. And our engineers are hard at work on several more exciting breakthroughs you’ll see in 2001.
我们是一家以创意为驱动力的公司。从突破性的产品功能和操作系统,到引领文化的产品设计和广告。我们发明了个人电脑,创造了桌面出版,现在又为数百万人带来了桌面电影。我们的工程师们正在努力研发更多令人兴奋的突破性产品,您将在 2001 年看到这些产品。
Apple marries state of the art technology with Apple’s legendary ease-of-use to create products that enable users to do more。
Apple 将最先进的技术与 Apple 传奇的易用性相结合,创造出让用户能够做更多事情的产品。
Apple is the world’s premier bridge builder between mere mortals and the exploding world of high technology. Apple enables mere mortals around the world to grasp by making it easy to learn and use.
Apple is the premier company in the world at making the exploding world of high technology easy to learn and use, thereby enabling mere mortals to enrich their lives using it.
Demystified technology, it will have a much greater impact than any other thing we can do. The stores need to be thought of as a mecca for understanding technology and making all of the digits a part of your life. All things digital, digital music, digital photography, people who’ve migrated to broadband, people/families who want to build a home network