2002-09-29 Peter Lewis.This lone ranger has nothing to hide

2002-09-29 Peter Lewis.This lone ranger has nothing to hide

from the Plain Dealer, September 29, 2002
来源:Plain Dealer,2002 年 9 月 29 日

Steven Litt  史蒂文·利特
Plain Dealer Reporter 平原经销商记者

As a boy growing up in Cleveland Heights during World War II, Peter B. Lewis loved listening to "The Lone Ranger" on the small plastic radio in his bedroom.

Much later, when he faced adversity as the head of Mayfield-based Progressive Corp., the nation's fourth-largest auto insurer, he began to think of himself as the Masked Man.
很久以后,当他作为总部位于梅菲尔德的 Progressive Corp.的负责人面临逆境时,这家全国第四大汽车保险公司,他开始把自己视为蒙面人。

"I developed an image over the years," he said. "I'd be in a canyon with rocks behind me and some big boulders in front of me, and I'd be down, crouched, squatted, with both guns out, thinking to myself, They don't want to f- with the Lone Ranger.' That was my own, and still is my own, internal battle cry."

Lewis' guns are out again, and they're blazing.

Last June, he opened fire, figuratively speaking, on Case Western Reserve University, calling it "a diseased university that is collapsing and sucking Cleveland into a hole with it."

It was a moment of stunning candor in a Midwestern industrial city where civic and business leaders adopt a code of silence about anything remotely controversial.

But it was typical of the 68-year-old chairman of Progressive.
但这对于 68 岁的 Progressive 董事长来说是典型的。

He believes fiercely that good things come from honesty, and speaks openly about his emotions, his divorce, his use of marijuana and his belief that Cleveland is in decline because it has too many lawyers in civic leadership.

"Lawyers are functionaries hired by the people who do something," he said, "but we've got a situation where they're running the town. It's absurd. Those aren't the people who drive creativity. Their whole job is to keep people from doing things."

The immediate focus of Lewis' tirade is the university's new home for the Weatherhead School of Management, a shiny, curvy, steel-clad statement by the internationally renowned architect, Frank Gehry, whose work Lewis has supported for years.

Lewis, who donated $36.9 million for the business school building named for him, said the project has been mismanaged, and that he sees it as a sign of deeper troubles at CWRU. To drive this home, he announced in June that he would boycott all Cleveland charities until the university's board of trustees is restructured. Later, he said he wanted the size of the board cut in half and its membership infused with new blood.
刘易斯为以他命名的商学院大楼捐赠了 3690 万美元,他表示该项目管理不善,并认为这是 CWRU 更深层次问题的一个标志。为了强调这一点,他在六月宣布将抵制所有克利夫兰的慈善机构,直到大学董事会进行重组。后来,他表示希望董事会规模减半,并注入新鲜血液。

The boycott is Lewis' way of showing how crucial the university is to the city's future - and how poorly he thinks it's doing after four years of high turnover in administrators, turmoil among trustees and declining academic rankings.

CWRU officials dispute Lewis' claims about the building, although they applaud his concern, and say they are working on changes in the university's governance that they hope he will appreciate.
CWRU 官员对 Lewis 关于建筑的说法表示异议,尽管他们赞扬他的关心,并表示他们正在对大学的治理进行变更,希望他会欣赏。

Lewis, meanwhile, remains open to a reconciliation, and plans to participate in the Oct. 9 dedication of the building. But he hasn't budged from his position.
与此同时,刘易斯仍然愿意和解,并计划参加 10 月 9 日的建筑落成典礼。但他并没有改变立场。

The boycott is typical of Lewis' style - a mix of controlled aggression, startling honesty, and a relentless desire to embrace risk and change. It's also the latest expression of his alienation from entrenched power in Cleveland, a club he has never been able to join, despite being one of the most successful businessmen in the city's history.

"I have felt marginalized, disdained, excluded, laughed at," he said.

Lewis believes Cleveland shuns entrepreneurs like himself, and he thinks that's one reason the city is in decline. Growing up as a proud Jew in a city he saw as suffused with a genteel anti-Semitism has added to his sense of otherness.

"I have this theory that Jews are put on this earth as a societal irritant," he said, "which is why everybody tries to squash us all over the place. Which connects with my wanting to do things differently."

In search of superlatives

For Lewis, doing things differently means constantly raising the ante in a quest for excellence and superlatives.

"I've always thought Peter was a visionary," said his former wife, Toby Lewis. "I'm not sure I'd call him an intellectual, but a business visionary, yes. Peter has this attitude that it can always be better, and it could be bigger."

When Lewis led Progressive as its president and CEO, he wanted it to be the best company in the world. That desire was so deeply rooted in his self-image that he even related it to his own virility. At one company gathering, he said that he planned to keep working until the "Rockefeller event," a reference to reports of Nelson Rockefeller dying in the arms of a 25-year-old lover.
当刘易斯担任 Progressive 的总裁兼首席执行官时,他希望它成为世界上最好的公司。这种愿望深深植根于他的自我形象,以至于他甚至将其与自己的活力联系在一起。在一次公司聚会上,他表示计划一直工作到“洛克菲勒事件”,这是指有关纳尔逊·洛克菲勒在一位 25 岁情人的怀中去世的报道。

But a severe health problem forced Lewis into semi-retirement. In 1998, after suffering for years from a congenital vascular problem, he had his left leg amputated below the knee. He has learned to walk with a prosthesis, which he calls less of an inconvenience than wearing glasses.
但严重的健康问题迫使刘易斯半退休。1998 年,在多年饱受先天性血管问题的困扰后,他的左腿在膝盖以下被截肢。他学会了使用假肢行走,他称这比戴眼镜更不麻烦。

Now that Lewis has handed over the reins at Progressive to Glenn Renwick, his hand-picked successor, he is focusing his energy elsewhere. He is writing a memoir, giving away his money and overseeing the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, which he serves as chairman.
现在,刘易斯已将 Progressive 的控制权交给了他亲自挑选的继任者格伦·伦威克,他正将精力转向其他地方。他正在撰写回忆录,捐赠他的财富,并监督他担任主席的纽约所罗门·R·古根海姆博物馆。

The Guggenheim has a collection and an endowment smaller than the Cleveland Museum of Art's. But under Director Tom Krens, it has turned itself into a global franchise, circulating blockbuster shows among five branches in four countries.

Lewis dreams of building yet another branch, a $1 billion museum on piers in the East River in Manhattan, next to the Brooklyn Bridge, to be encased in a swirling cloud of steel ribbons designed by Gehry. He has pledged up to $250 million for what he calls "the ultimate quixotic project."
刘易斯梦想在曼哈顿东河的码头上建造另一个分馆,一个价值 10 亿美元的博物馆,位于布鲁克林大桥旁边,由盖里设计的旋转钢带云包裹。他承诺为他称之为“终极堂吉诃德项目”的计划提供高达 2.5 亿美元的资金。

Such dreams would be easy to dismiss as mere grandiosity if not for Lewis' track record.

Progressive, an insurance company co-founded by his father, Joseph Lewis, had 40 employees when Lewis started working there full time in 1955. Today, it has 13,500 employees in 375 offices nationwide, with another 8,000 workers in 14 buildings on either side of Interstate 271 east of Cleveland.
Progressive 是一家由他父亲约瑟夫·刘易斯共同创立的保险公司,刘易斯于 1955 年开始全职在那里工作时,公司有 40 名员工。如今,它在全国 375 个办公室拥有 13,500 名员工,另有 8,000 名员工在克利夫兰以东的州际公路 271 两侧的 14 栋建筑中工作。

That growth occurred while other local corporations went bankrupt, merged out of existence, or moved headquarters out of state. And it meant that Lewis, who had trouble paying his bills at age 35, became wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.
这种增长发生在其他本地公司破产、合并消失或将总部迁出州的同时。这意味着曾在 35 岁时难以支付账单的刘易斯,变得比他梦想中还要富有。

His achievements confirm his conviction that he has been supremely rewarded for being an iconoclast and that he has something to contribute to the hometown he loves, even if it means closing his wallet.

Those feelings have coalesced around CWRU.
这些情感已经在 CWRU 周围凝聚。

"It's become the only focus, the only thing in Cleveland I think about, basically," he said.

A complicated life  复杂的生活

Given the small amount of time Lewis spends in Cleveland - fewer than 50 days last year - it can be hard to catch up with him.
鉴于刘易斯在克利夫兰的时间很少——去年不到 50 天——很难与他见面。

But on a sunny morning in June, he made time for a conversation at his Beachwood penthouse, seating himself at the glass dining table, next to windows overlooking a sweep of sky and trees.

On the walls were paintings by blue-chip artists including Larry Rivers, Joan Mitchell and Alex Katz.

Dressed in a collarless black shirt and black slacks, he wore a bohemian uniform that would make him look at home anywhere in the art world.

Lewis, a weightlifter and swimmer who keeps his thinning white hair cut short, is 6 feet 1, lanky and muscular.
刘易斯是一名举重运动员和游泳运动员,他留着短短的稀疏白发,身高 6 英尺 1 英寸,身材瘦长且肌肉发达。

"Two hundred pounds of coiled steel," as he put it.
“200 磅盘绕钢材,”正如他所说。

At 68, he said he's never been in better shape, despite the amputation. As he often does, he slipped his prosthesis off for comfort and propped his leg against the table.
68 岁时,他说尽管截肢,他的身体状况从未如此好过。像往常一样,他为了舒适脱下假肢,把腿靠在桌子上。

He joked that the remaining inches below the knee "are the most important 7 inches in my life."
他开玩笑说,膝盖以下剩下的几英寸是“我生命中最重要的 7 英寸”。

The amputation hasn't slowed him down. He zips from his penthouse in Beachwood to his apartment in New York and to a house in Aspen, Colo., in his private jet, a nine-seat Challenger.

Nearly half the year he cruises the Mediterranean or the Caribbean aboard the aptly named Lone Ranger, a 255-foot motor yacht built in Germany in 1973 as an oceangoing tug.
他几乎有半年时间乘坐名副其实的“孤独游侠”号游艇在地中海或加勒比海巡游。这艘 255 英尺长的摩托游艇于 1973 年在德国建造,最初是一艘远洋拖船。

The boat, which he bought in 1997 for $16.5 million, sports a luxurious master suite, four guest cabins, a swimming pool and other accouterments. It symbolizes Lewis' love of freedom and his belief that it would be idiotic not to enjoy his wealth.
这艘船是他在 1997 年以 1650 万美元购买的,拥有豪华的主套房、四间客舱、一个游泳池和其他装备。它象征着刘易斯对自由的热爱以及他认为不享受财富是愚蠢的信念。

On board the Lone Ranger, Lewis works out, scuba-dives, reads, e-mails associates, watches movies and spends time with family members or friends including Gehry and former U.S. Sen. Robert Kerrey, now president of the New School University in New York.

A crew of 18 is on hand to set up parties, provide rubdowns, prepare meals, anything Lewis desires.
一支由 18 人组成的团队随时待命,负责布置派对、提供按摩、准备餐点,满足刘易斯的任何需求。

"You have no idea how easy and luxurious it is, because these 18 people on the boat have only one objective: To make me happy."
“你不知道这有多么轻松和奢华,因为船上的这 18 个人只有一个目标:让我开心。”

A life on the rise

Lewis lives a life he never could have imagined growing up in a middle-class family in the suburbs east of Cleveland.

As the oldest of four children, Lewis was the dutiful son who did his homework, got good grades and tried to please his parents.

He calls his childhood "idyllic." But he remembers the combative spirit his father developed in response to limits once set by Cleveland's WASP hierarchy, such as being barred from joining the prestigious Union Club.
他称自己的童年为“田园诗般的”。但他记得父亲在应对克利夫兰 WASP 等级制度曾设定的限制时所培养出的好斗精神,比如被禁止加入著名的联合俱乐部。

"His attitude about being discriminated against was, f- 'em. Let's fight 'em. Beat 'em," Lewis said.

Lewis started working in Progressive's office at East 36th Street and Euclid Avenue at age 12, filing papers and stuffing envelopes. Even then, he dreamed of making his future at the company.
刘易斯 12 岁时开始在 Progressive 位于东 36 街和 Euclid 大道的办公室工作,负责整理文件和装信封。即便那时,他就梦想着在公司创造自己的未来。

After graduating from Cleveland Heights High School, he got into Princeton University, where he awakened to standards of achievement that far exceeded any he had known in high school.

He loved college, and did well. But his happiness was shattered a year later when his younger brother, Jonathan, was killed at age 16 in a car accident.
他很喜欢大学,成绩也很好。但一年后,他的弟弟乔纳森在一场车祸中去世,年仅 16 岁,这让他的幸福破灭了。

Peter's relationship to Jonathan was complicated. Jealous of his younger brother's good looks and his close relationship with their mother, Peter bullied him mercilessly.

But he was tortured by guilt over not having hugged Jonathan the August morning he departed on a fatal fishing trip to Canada. In a draft of his memoir, Peter wrote that if he had delayed his brother's departure, even for a few seconds, his car might not have collided that night with a truck.

The trauma of Jonathan's death was compounded two years later when Lewis' father was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and told he had weeks to live.

After returning from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, Joseph Lewis summoned Peter to his bedroom and told him he would soon become head of the family. Moreover, he could no longer guarantee Peter's future at Progressive.
从明尼苏达州的梅奥诊所回来后,约瑟夫·刘易斯把彼得叫到他的卧室,告诉他他很快就会成为家族的负责人。此外,他不再能保证彼得在 Progressive 的未来。

"I had gone up those stairs a dependent young man," Lewis said. "I grew up in 10 minutes."
“我上楼时还是个依赖性强的年轻人,”刘易斯说。“我在 10 分钟内长大了。”

A year later, when Lewis graduated from college, his father's partner, Jack Green, gave him an accounting job. But it was unclear whether it would lead anywhere.

That changed a decade later, when Green scaled back his involvement in Progressive. Lewis and his mother, Helen, borrowed $2.5 million to buy the company, pledging their majority stake as collateral.
十年后,格林减少了他在 Progressive 的参与,这一情况发生了变化。刘易斯和他的母亲海伦借了 250 万美元来购买公司,并将他们的多数股权作为抵押。

Lewis revved up Progressive by capitalizing on insuring high-risk drivers. He created an innovative pricing system, and came up with consumer-friendly ideas such as free quotes on competitors' rates and instant claims service. Lewis hired young, energetic workers, gave them enormous leeway in decision-making, and established a dress-down culture based on creativity, hard work and endless quantitative measurement.

"We're here to perform," he said. "And people who don't, go."

Lewis feels his success was based on core principles, honesty being the most important.

As a young executive, Lewis had tried what he calls "chiseling." When customers canceled their policies, he didn't repay their premiums until they asked.

He quickly decided it was immoral and unethical, and he stopped the practice. Later he became fanatical about creating objective standards for gauging Progressive's performance.
他很快决定这是不道德和不合伦理的,并停止了这种做法。后来,他变得狂热于为评估 Progressive 的表现制定客观标准。

He contrasts the company's record of disclosure to those of corporations - Tyco, WorldCom, Enron - that recently imploded in accounting scandals. And he's proud that in 2001, Progressive laid claim to being the first corporation in America to report results not just quarterly, but monthly.
他将公司的信息披露记录与最近因会计丑闻而崩溃的公司——泰科、世通、安然——进行对比。他为 2001 年时进步保险公司成为美国首家不仅按季度而且按月报告业绩的公司而感到自豪。

Honesty has been just as central in Lewis' personal life. But as in business, he first allowed himself a taste of deceit.

After cheating on his wife and living what he called the "big lie," he told her: "I can't sneak around. I've discovered I cannot do this. It's killing me."

End of a marriage  婚姻的终结

The two had met in 1953. Lewis, who had just finished his sophomore year at Princeton, immediately fell for Toby Devan, the smart, beautiful daughter of the owner of a a leather-goods business from Gloversville in upstate New York.
两人于 1953 年相识。刚刚完成普林斯顿大学二年级学业的刘易斯立刻爱上了托比·德万,这位聪明美丽的女孩是纽约州北部格洛弗斯维尔一家皮具公司老板的女儿。

They married soon after he graduated from Princeton, and raised three children: Jonathan, Ivy and Adam Joseph.

In three interviews during the past year, he declined to discuss the children, out of concern for their privacy. But in a draft of his memoir, he wrote that his workaholic lifestyle turned Progressive into the family's fourth child, and that "if you ask Ivy, Jonathan and Adam, they might say they got short shrift."
在过去一年的三次采访中,他拒绝讨论孩子们,以保护他们的隐私。但在他回忆录的草稿中,他写道,他的工作狂生活方式使 Progressive 成为家庭的第四个孩子,并且“如果你问艾薇、乔纳森和亚当,他们可能会说他们受到了冷落。”

Lewis expected married life to be blissful. But by age 48, he neither wanted to be monogamous nor to hide the fact.
刘易斯原本期望婚姻生活是幸福的。但到了 48 岁时,他既不想保持一夫一妻制,也不想隐瞒这一事实。

"When he took over Progressive, he was so successful, and it was pretty heady stuff, and he thought, 'My God, I can have any woman I want,' " Toby said.
托比说:“当他接管 Progressive 时,他非常成功,那真是令人陶醉的事情,他想,‘天哪,我可以拥有任何我想要的女人。’”

After their divorce in 1981, Peter worked to maintain a friendship, sending Toby lavish gifts, including a double portrait of her by Andy Warhol, which now hangs in her Shaker Heights home. (Peter retains half-ownership in the portrait.)
在 1981 年离婚后,彼得努力维持友谊,送给托比奢华的礼物,包括安迪·沃霍尔为她创作的双人肖像画,这幅画现在挂在她位于谢克尔高地的家中。(彼得保留这幅肖像画的一半所有权。)

Then, in 1985, Peter asked Toby, who then worked at the Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, to take over the Progressive art collection, saying she was the only person he could trust. She has since earned a national reputation for her sharp eye and advocacy of emerging artists.
然后,在 1985 年,彼得请托比接管Progressive艺术收藏,当时托比在克利夫兰当代艺术中心工作,他说她是他唯一可以信任的人。从那时起,她因其敏锐的眼光和对新兴艺术家的支持而在全国赢得了声誉。

"We both recognize today that we have each flourished as a result [of the divorce] and done things and achieved things and experienced things we never would have done together," Lewis said.

Toby feels that staying close to Peter has made perfect sense.

"How can you hate somebody you've lived with and had children with?" she said. "We were together for 25 years."
“你怎么能恨一个和你一起生活并有孩子的人呢?”她说。“我们在一起 25 年了。”

A sense of exclusion  被排斥的感觉

Lewis repaired his relationship with his ex-wife through hard work. But he couldn't mesh with Cleveland's conservative civic culture.

In private, Lewis is warm, funny and down to earth - qualities summed up by the Yiddish word "heymish." He cares deeply about his friends and frets for years over whether he has hurt other people's feelings.

But in public, his ego and flamboyance tend to dominate, which may have worked against him in his hometown.

If there's a moment that sums up his sense of exclusion, it happened in the late 1980s, when Lewis convened a group of civic leaders at his penthouse apartment to show off his brainchild, a model of the skyscraper headquarters he wanted to build for Progressive in downtown Cleveland, overlooking Lake Erie.
如果有一个时刻能总结他被排斥的感觉,那就是在 20 世纪 80 年代末,当时刘易斯在他的顶层公寓召集了一群市民领袖,展示他构想的一个模型,即他想在克利夫兰市中心建造的摩天大楼总部,俯瞰伊利湖。

The 50-story tower would have risen on platforms over the railroad tracks north of Cleveland's City Hall. It would have connected downtown to the lakefront and pumped 2,000 to 3,000 skilled workers into downtown.
这座 50 层高的塔楼本将建在克利夫兰市政厅北部铁路轨道上的平台上。它将连接市中心与湖滨,并为市中心注入 2,000 到 3,000 名技术工人。

Led by Gehry, the design team included the leading contemporary artists Donald Judd and Richard Serra. Nothing as bold had ever been proposed in Cleveland.

But as the other power brokers mingled at the party, Lewis said that Richard Pogue, managing partner at the influential law firm Jones Day Reavis and Pogue, turned to him and asked, "Where do you work?"
但当其他权力经纪人在聚会上交往时,刘易斯说,来自有影响力的律师事务所 Jones Day Reavis and Pogue 的管理合伙人理查德·波格转向他并问道:“你在哪里工作?”

Lewis was infuriated. "I wanted to throw him down there," Lewis said, pointing from the balcony to the steel-tiled floor of the living room below. "I almost did."

Pogue doesn't remember the incident and can't imagine why he would have asked such a question. He said he tried to mediate an agreement between Lewis and City Hall over the project. Lewis remembers no meetings with Pogue.

The project died, Lewis said, for lack of support from former Mayors George Voinovich and Michael White and former Gov. Richard Celeste. Lewis has no regrets and harbors no ill feelings toward the politicians. He is happy that Progressive expanded its headquarters off Wilson Mills Road in Mayfield.
该项目因缺乏前市长乔治·沃伊诺维奇和迈克尔·怀特以及前州长理查德·塞莱斯特的支持而搁浅,刘易斯说。刘易斯没有遗憾,也不对这些政客怀有恶感。他很高兴 Progressive 在梅菲尔德的威尔逊米尔斯路扩建了总部。

But the alleged snub from Pogue epitomizes how Lewis feels he has been "cut to my face" in his hometown.

At times, Lewis has contemplated lashing out publicly to vent his emotions. In the early 1990s, after the demise of the skyscraper, Lewis asked Gehry to continue working for him on plans for a sprawling, wildly innovative house on a wooded, nine-acre site in Lyndhurst.
有时,刘易斯曾考虑公开发泄情绪。在 20 世纪 90 年代初,摩天大楼项目失败后,刘易斯请盖里继续为他设计一座位于林德赫斯特九英亩林地上的宽敞且极具创新性的房子。

Lewis pulled the plug on the project after 10 years of work and $6 million in design fees when the estimated construction budget had reached $82 million.
在估算的建设预算达到 8200 万美元时,刘易斯在经过 10 年的工作和 600 万美元的设计费用后终止了该项目。

But before that point, he had planned to scatter the landscape around the house with works of art. One was to be a 75-foot-high sculpture of a golf bag by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, creators of Cleveland's "Free Stamp."
但在那之前,他计划在房子周围的景观中散布艺术作品。其中之一是由克莱斯·奥尔登堡和库斯耶·范·布鲁根创作的 75 英尺高的高尔夫球袋雕塑,他们是克利夫兰“自由邮票”的创作者。

Lewis viewed this not only as a work of art, but as a way to extend the middle finger to the Mayfield Country Club next door, where he had suffered a hurt as a child.

When he was 12, a friend had asked him to the club for a swim. The next day, the friend told Lewis that his parents had reprimanded him for being so kind to a Jew.
当他 12 岁时,一个朋友邀请他去俱乐部游泳。第二天,朋友告诉刘易斯,他的父母责备他对一个犹太人如此友好。

A Rockefeller-style rift  洛克菲勒式的裂痕

Critics of Lewis - none of whom would speak for attribution - say that he can be erratic, dictatorial and hard to work with, and that he comes with baggage. Some have likened his boycott of Cleveland charities to blackmail.

But friends and admirers say he has a point about the way he has been treated.

"Peter has had a life of being snubbed and stiff-armed by the Cleveland establishment, and it's not fair," said Michael Horvitz, a lawyer who serves on the boards of CWRU and the Cleveland Museum of Art. "Peter wants to be loved and feels he has a lot to offer this community, and he's right about that. But I think he feels the city wants him only for his money."

Lewis' rift with Cleveland looks like a reprise of the chasm that opened a century ago between the city and John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil. After a bitter dispute over taxes, Rockefeller left Cleveland and established himself in New York.

The loss to Cleveland was incalculable. Rockefeller and his family lavished millions on universities and museums elsewhere. A fraction of that investment could have had a huge impact on Cleveland.

Lewis' life is on a similar track.

Over the past decade, he has donated more than $50 million to causes in Northeast Ohio, including the new building at CWRU.
在过去的十年里,他向俄亥俄州东北部的事业捐赠了超过 5000 万美元,包括 CWRU 的新建筑。

But he has been more generous elsewhere, donating $115 million to Princeton and $50 million to the Guggenheim, not to mention his $250 million pledge for the proposed Guggenheim branch in Manhattan.
但他在其他地方更为慷慨,向普林斯顿大学捐赠了 1.15 亿美元,向古根海姆博物馆捐赠了 5000 万美元,更不用说他为拟建的曼哈顿古根海姆分馆承诺的 2.5 亿美元。

"The reputation he has in New York is starting to accrue," said Krens, director of the Guggenheim. "It's something he can grasp and use or not. And he's got the luxury at this point of doing whatever he wants."

Published estimates have put Lewis' net worth at $1.4 billion. But he said the number is closer to half that amount, because he has given away so much Progressive stock.
已公布的估计将刘易斯的净资产定为 14 亿美元。但他说这个数字接近于一半,因为他已经捐赠了大量的 Progressive 股票。

Lewis' wealth has served as a platform for larger ambitions in politics and art.

His chief political project today is a national effort to roll back the war on drugs. With billionaires George Soros and John Sperling, he is funding a series of state initiatives, including Ohio Issue 1, which would replace mandatory sentences with treatment for some nonviolent drug offenders.
他目前的主要政治项目是全国范围内努力扭转禁毒战争。与亿万富翁乔治·索罗斯和约翰·斯珀林一起,他正在资助一系列州级倡议,包括俄亥俄州第 1 号提案,该提案将用治疗代替对一些非暴力毒品犯罪者的强制性判刑。

Lewis believes drug laws are racist because they punish blacks more frequently and severely than whites. And as a libertarian, he feels people should be free to pursue happiness if they harm no one else. He wants drugs legalized and regulated, like alcohol.

"As long as you're not hurting somebody else, who the hell cares?" he said. "Kill yourself. God bless you."

Lewis, a longtime user of marijuana, was called a "functioning pothead" by Fortune magazine.

This doesn't faze him in the least. "Marijuana is, for almost everybody who uses it, a positive," he said. "It improves the quality of life, it improves performance. It improves."

Stockholders and Wall Street analysts have overlooked Lewis' extracurricular activities because they had no effect on Progressive's stellar performance.
股东和华尔街分析师忽视了刘易斯的课外活动,因为这些活动对 Progressive 的出色表现没有影响。

But in the winter of 2000, his affection for cannabis was a source of personal embarrassment. Exhausted from surgery for a double hernia and from dealing with Progressive's Y2K preparations, Lewis took a commercial flight to New Zealand to watch the America's Cup races from his yacht.
但在 2000 年冬天,他对大麻的喜爱成为了个人尴尬的来源。由于双侧疝气手术和处理 Progressive 公司的千年虫准备工作而感到疲惫不堪,刘易斯乘坐商业航班飞往新西兰,从他的游艇上观看美洲杯比赛。

Drug-sniffing dogs singled him out when he tried to pass through customs at the Auckland airport with pot in his briefcase. He spent a night in jail, but was released after admitting guilt and donating money to a local charity.

In an interview last year, he said the arrest was "a crisis in my life. I was ashamed of myself, disappointed in myself, and I learned something about myself, learned that I have the capacity to be stupid and arrogant."

But as with so many experiences, Lewis has also learned to look back with humor.

He recently regaled a visitor with an account of the arrest, complete with a strip search, a body-cavity search and the fact that he burst into tears when a policeman told him he'd have to spend the night in jail.

"I'm 66, I've just had my leg amputated, and I have to go to jail? I even waved my stump at him," Lewis said.
“我 66 岁,我刚刚截肢,现在还要坐牢?我甚至还对他挥了挥我的断肢,”刘易斯说。

A patron of creativity  创造力的支持者

So far, Lewis' push against drug laws has been inconclusive. But his support of contemporary art and architecture has had considerable impact.

Progressive's annual reports, featuring commissioned artworks by contemporary artists, have won numerous awards. And the Progressive art collection, with 5,000 objects, is widely recognized as one of the finest of its kind.
Progressive 的年度报告中展示了当代艺术家创作的委托艺术作品,赢得了众多奖项。而 Progressive 的艺术收藏品,包括 5,000 件物品,被广泛认为是同类中最优秀的之一。

Lewis views the collection as an investment in building a culture of creativity at Progressive. But when it comes to explaining his personal reactions to art, Lewis is at a loss for words. He got D's in the two art history courses he took at Princeton.
刘易斯将收藏视为在 Progressive 建立创造力文化的一项投资。但在解释他对艺术的个人反应时,刘易斯却无言以对。他在普林斯顿修的两门艺术史课程中都得了 D。

Today, Lewis enjoys being surrounded by contemporary art. But most of all, he likes being close to artists and architects, because he is fascinated by their creative processes.

"One of the reasons Peter Lewis follows me around so much is that there's a freedom he envies, and he tells me how famous I am," Gehry said. "But he wonders, 'How does this guy get to be so famous designing these pishy little buildings?' "

Lewis met Gehry at the Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art in 1985, and soon commissioned him to design the house in Lyndhurst.
1985 年,刘易斯在克利夫兰当代艺术中心遇到了盖里,并很快委托他设计林德赫斯特的房子。

Over the next decade, as Lewis asked the architect to add ever more lavish features and experimental forms, the budget grew and grew.

Lewis never seemed to care. He loved visiting Gehry, and brought along a film crew, thinking it would be important to record every encounter.

Although the house was never built, Lewis' support for Gehry's experimentations led to breakthroughs on other signature projects, including the widely acclaimed Guggenheim branch in Bilbao, Spain. Evidence is already piling up in books and exhibitions that Lewis will be remembered as one of the great architectural patrons of his time.

After having failed to build either the downtown skyscraper or the house in Lyndhurst, Lewis was determined to follow through with the building at CWRU, even though this meant he had to increase his pledge from $15 million to $36.9 million as the project's budget rose from $25 million to $61.7 million.
在未能建成市中心摩天大楼或林德赫斯特的房子后,刘易斯决心完成 CWRU 的建筑项目,尽管这意味着他必须将承诺金额从 1500 万美元增加到 3690 万美元,因为项目预算从 2500 万美元上升到 6170 万美元。

Although Lewis was angry about cost increases on the building in Cleveland, his friendship with Gehry is stronger than ever.

The Oct. 9 dedication of the Peter B. Lewis Building could either be a reconciliation between Lewis and the university or an event of unparalleled awkwardness, like sitting down to dinner with an estranged couple.
彼得·B·刘易斯大楼的 10 月 9 日落成典礼可能是刘易斯与大学之间的和解,也可能是一次无与伦比的尴尬事件,就像与一对疏远的夫妇共进晚餐一样。

Lewis craves a confrontation with CWRU trustees. He said he "begged" to meet with the full board, but was turned down, despite having made the biggest single donation in the university's history. He even suggested privately last summer that he could turn the university around in six months if he were named chairman and was given sweeping powers.
刘易斯渴望与 CWRU 的受托人对峙。他说他“恳求”与全体董事会会面,但被拒绝,尽管他是该大学历史上最大单笔捐款的捐赠者。他甚至在去年夏天私下表示,如果他被任命为主席并被赋予广泛的权力,他可以在六个月内扭转大学的局面。

Now he calls that idea "an egomaniacal, fat-headed, arrogant thing to say when people can't stand me."

University trustees say they will soon vote on changes in governance. But they also make it clear that those proposals were in the works long before Lewis raised a ruckus.

Lewis has seen a draft of the proposed changes but summed up his response by making a rude noise with his lips.

"They're trying," he said. "But they don't understand."

So is he open to changing his mind about CWRU and Cleveland?
那么他是否愿意改变对 CWRU 和克利夫兰的看法?

"I can't predict what I'm going to do in the future. But I know where my head is at, and I know where I want to make my point."

For now, Lewis thinks it's symbolic that his Beachwood penthouse and the Progressive headquarters are both about a dozen miles east of downtown, next to an interstate highway. He's on the edge, not in the center.
目前,刘易斯认为,他的比奇伍德顶层公寓和 Progressive 总部都位于市中心以东约十几英里处,靠近州际公路,这具有象征意义。他处于边缘,而不是中心。

But those who know him say he will never be able to sever ties with his hometown.

"I think he'll die a Clevelander," says former Sen. Kerrey. "You may not get as much of his money as you'd like. But you won't lose him."

To reach this Plain Dealer reporter:

slitt@plaind.com, 216-999-4136

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