Sam Altman:Growth and Government

2013-03-05 Sam Altman.Growth and Government

这是Sam Altman的第1篇博文,当年28岁,谈的话题在国内是敏感话题。


The first piece of startup wisdom I heard was “increasing your sales will fix all problems”. This turns out to be another way of phrasing Paul Graham’s point that growth is critical, which is true for all sorts of reasons—for example, justifying high valuations to raise large amounts of capital in the early days, attracting the best people and paying them with equity, providing a buffer to allow for some mistakes, and smoothing over internal tensions.


I believe that growth is not only critical for startups, but for most systems. Either you’re growing, or you’re slowly dying. Perfect equilibrium is rare.


But the frontier is long over, and although technological innovation has continued at a blistering rate for computers and the Internet, it seems to have slowed down in most other industries.


A shocking data point about how things are going is that the median real net worth for households headed by someone under 35 dropped 68% from 1984 to 2009, to $3,662. For those over 65, it increased 42% to $170,494 (largely due to a gain in property values). This disparity is good evidence of a lack of real growth (and also a very unstable situation where an older generation benefits at the expense of a younger).


We should strive to make jobs in science and technology more appealing than jobs in finance (incidentally, it should be a big red flag for growth when the brightest young people start going into finance, since they aren’t actually creating any more wealth, just redistributing it).


We should strive to be a net exporter of ideas and technologies. For example, the US makes the best software in the world today.


We should understand that as a consequence of technology and an economy of ideas, the gap between the rich and the poor will likely increase from its already high-seeming levels. There is good and bad to this, but we should be careful not to legislate against it, which will hurt growth. Technology magnifies differences in innate ability;

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