


1、Todd Combs

TC: Yeah, and he meant it that way. You can either approach things actively or passively and I think a lot of people can take it passively. Probably a lot of people that were there that day — they certainly all remember Warren, I don’t know how many would actually remember that comment — [but] how many actually acted on it? I don’t know.

There was a lot of fame around this “10,000 hour rule” that Malcolm Gladwell made famous[2], but actually it happened to have been a Florida State professor, K. Anders Ericsson, that came up with that. But the real point wasn’t the 10,000 hours — people became kind of stuck on that. To me, the point was active vs. passive [learning].
关于这个“1 万小时法则”,马尔科姆·格拉德威尔让它声名显赫[2],但实际上是佛罗里达州立大学的教授 K·安德斯·埃里克森提出的。真正的重点并不是 1 万小时——人们对此有些固执。对我来说,重点是主动学习与被动学习。

Whether you’re learning to play golf or you’re trying to get better at running or cycling or investing or whatever you’re trying to do, if you do it actively vs. passively, you pull those things forward and you create a tighter feedback loop on your mistakes and your learning process and it becomes more iterative. That’s what I took away from it, at least.

2、Warren Buffett

He is a very good listener who gives excellent advice, and he’s also pretty firm about not giving unasked advice. The managers vary in their desire (for asking for advice). The ones that do ask use words like “invaluable” to describe his advice.

3、Elon Musk

“I try to criticize the action, not the person. We all make mistakes. What matters is whether a person has a good feedback loop, can seek criticism from others, and can improve. Physics does not care about hurt feelings. It cares about whether you got the rocket right.”
Isaacson, Walter. Elon Musk (English Edition) (p. 365). Simon & Schuster. Kindle.

4、Steve Jobs

I don’t think of my life as a career. I do stuff. I respond to stuff. That’s not a career — it’s a life!
“自我更新”被进一步简化为“回应”,能“回应”的证明还活着,"it’s a life!"。

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