Google loves to characterize Android as open, and iOS and iPhone as closed. We find this a bit disingenuous and clouding the real difference between our two approaches. The first thing most of us think about when we hear the work open is Windows which is available on a variety of devices. Unlike Windows, however, where most pc's have the same user interface and run the same app, Android is very fragmented. Many Android OEMs, including the two largest, HTC and Motorola install proprietary user interfaces to differentiate themselves from the commodity Android experience. The users will have to figure it all out. Compare this with iPhone, where every handset works the same.
谷歌喜欢把 Android 说成是开放的,而把 iOS 和 iPhone 说成是封闭的。我们认为这种说法有点虚伪,掩盖了我们两种方法之间的真正区别。听到 "开放 "这个词,我们大多数人首先想到的是 Windows,它可以在各种设备上使用。但与 Windows 不同的是,大多数 PC 都有相同的用户界面,运行相同的应用程序,而 Android 却非常分散。许多 Android OEM 厂商,包括最大的两家,宏达电和摩托罗拉,都安装了专有的用户界面,以区别于普通的 Android 体验。用户必须自己摸索。与 iPhone 相比,iPhone 的每部手机都是一样的。
Twitter client, Twitter Deck, recently launched their app for Android. They reported that they had to contend with more than 100 different versions of Android software on 244 different handsets. The multiple hardware and software iterations present developers with a daunting challenge. Many Android apps work only on selected Android handsets running selected Android versions. And this is for handsets that have been shipped less than 12 months ago. Compare this with iPhone, where there are two versions of the software, the current and the most recent predecessor to test against.
Twitter 客户端 Twitter Deck 最近推出了他们的 Android 应用程序。他们报告说,他们必须应对 244 种不同手机上 100 多个不同版本的安卓软件。多种硬件和软件迭代给开发人员带来了严峻的挑战。许多 Android 应用程序只能在运行特定 Android 版本的特定 Android 手机上运行。而这些手机的出货时间还不到 12 个月。与 iPhone 相比,iPhone 有两个版本的软件,一个是当前版本,另一个是最新的前代版本。
In addition to Google's own app marketplace, Amazon, Verizon and Vodafone have all announced that they are creating their own app stores for Android. So there will be at least four app stores on Android, which customers must search among to find the app they want and developers will need to work with to distribute their apps and get paid. This is going to be a mess for both users and developers. Contrast this with Apple's integrated App Store, which offers users the easiest-to-use largest app store in the world, preloaded on every iPhone. Apple's App Store has over three times as many apps as Google's marketplace and offers developers' one-stop shopping to get their apps to market easily and to get paid swiftly.
除了谷歌自己的应用程序市场,亚马逊、Verizon 和沃达丰都宣布将为安卓系统创建自己的应用程序商店。因此,安卓系统上将至少有四家应用程序商店,用户必须通过搜索才能找到他们想要的应用程序,而开发者则需要与这些商店合作来发布他们的应用程序并获得报酬。这对用户和开发者来说都将是一团糟。相比之下,苹果公司的集成 App Store 为用户提供了世界上最易于使用的最大应用程序商店,每部 iPhone 都预装了该商店。苹果 App Store 的应用程序数量是谷歌市场的三倍多,为开发者提供一站式服务,让他们可以轻松将应用程序推向市场,并迅速获得报酬。
Even if Google were right, and the real issue is closed versus open, it is worthwhile to remember that open systems don't always win. Take Microsoft's PlaysForSure music strategy, which use the PC model, which Android uses as well, of separating the software components from the hardware components. Even Microsoft finally abandoned this open strategy in favor of copying Apple's integrated approach with their Zoom Player, unfortunately leaving their OEMs empty-handed in the process. Google flirted with this integrated approach with their Nexus One phone.
即使谷歌是对的,真正的问题是封闭与开放,但值得记住的是,开放系统并不总是赢家。就拿微软的 PlaysForSure 音乐战略来说,它采用的是 PC 模式,而 Android 也采用了这种模式,即把软件组件与硬件组件分离开来。甚至微软最终也放弃了这种开放式战略,转而复制苹果公司的集成式方法,推出了 Zoom Player,但遗憾的是,在这一过程中,他们的 OEM 厂商两手空空。谷歌曾在其 Nexus One 手机上尝试过这种集成方法。
In reality, we think the open versus closed argument is just a smokescreen to try and hide the real issue, which is, what's best for the customer, fragmented versus integrated. We think Android is very, very fragmented and becoming more fragmented by the day. And as you know, Apple's strives for the integrated model so that the user isn't forced to be the systems integrator.
不能集成化就会碎片化,“If you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying”,巴菲特的原话是:“both good and bad cultures self-select to perpetuate themselves. ”,意思是好的和坏的都是一条道走到底的,现实给我们的意义是大部分都是十分明显的坏。
We see tremendous value in having Apple rather than our users' be the systems integrator. We think this is a huge strength of our approach compared to Google's. When selling to users who want their devices to just work, we believe integrated will trump fragmented every time. And we also think our developers can be more innovative if they can target a singular platform rather than a hundred variants. They can put their time into innovative new features rather than testing on hundreds of different handsets.
So we are very committed to the integrated approach, no matter how many times Google tries to characterize it as closed. And we are confident that it will triumph over Google's fragmented approach, no matter how many times Google tries to characterize it as open.