1997-05-05 Benjamin Graham.How Buffett surpassed Benjamin Graham

1997-05-05 Benjamin Graham.How Buffett surpassed Benjamin Graham

66. How Buffett surpassed Benjamin Graham

沃伦·巴菲特: 第三区?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes. Hi. It’s Jeff Hawthorne (PH), Toronto, Canada.
观众: 是的,你好。我是来自加拿大多伦多的杰夫·霍桑(音)。

Mr. Buffett and Mr. Munger, you’re both a positive influence on all of us and our generations to come. There were a few significant individuals that had helped to guide your way in the beginning.

Could you please share the current percentage of impact and evolution on your investment philosophy and approach between Graham-Dodd’s — Graham and Dodd’s versus Philip Fisher, and comment on each please.
能否请您分享格雷厄姆-多德(Graham and Dodd)与菲利普·费舍(Philip Fisher)在您的投资哲学和方法演变中所占的影响比例,并对两者进行评论?

WARREN BUFFETT: Charlie, you want to —? If you’ve got it worked out there. Calibrate —
沃伦·巴菲特: 查理,你想——?如果你已经算出来了。校准一下——

CHARLIE MUNGER: Weren’t you —
查理·芒格: 你不是——

WARREN BUFFETT: Do you want that to tenths of a percent or hundredths of a percent? (Laughs)
沃伦·巴菲特: 你想要到十分之一还是百分之一?(笑)

CHARLIE MUNGER: You were closer to Ben Graham.
查理·芒格: 你与本·格雷厄姆的关系更近。

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. Well, Ben — yeah — things would’ve happened — good things would’ve happened with following either party irrespective the other.
沃伦·巴菲特: 是的。本——是的——无论追随哪一方都会发生好事,与另一方无关。

Graham, obviously, had way more influence on me than Phil. I worked for Ben. I went to school under him.

And his — what I call the three basic ideas that underlie successful investing — which is to look at stocks as businesses, and to have the proper attitude toward the market, and to operate with a margin of safety — they all come straight from Graham. I didn’t think of any of those.

And Phil Fisher opened my eyes more to the idea of trying to find the wonderful business.

Charlie did more of that than Phil did, actually, so you’d have to put Charlie —

But Phil was espousing that entirely. And I read his books in the late ’50s, early ’60s. So, you know, I — Phil’s still alive as you know. And, you know, I owe Phil a lot. But I — it doesn’t compare to what I owe Graham.

WARREN BUFFETT: And that, in no way, reflects poorly on Phil. Ben was one of a kind.
沃伦·巴菲特: 这绝不代表对菲利普的不敬。本·格雷厄姆是独一无二的。


CHARLIE MUNGER: Ben Graham was a truly formidable mind. And he also had a clarity in writing.
查理·芒格: 本·格雷厄姆确实是一位非凡的头脑。他的写作也非常清晰明了。

And we’ve talked over and over again about the power of a few simple ideas thoroughly assimilated. And that happened with Graham’s ideas, which came to me indirectly through Warren, but also some directly from Graham.

The interesting thing for me is to watch Buffett the former protégé — and by the way, Buffett was the best student Graham had in 30 years of teaching at Columbia. And — but what happened — and since I knew both men — was that Buffett became way better than Graham.

That is a natural outcome. It’s what Newton said. He said, “If I’ve seen a little farther than other men, it’s by standing on the shoulder of giants.”

And so Warren may have stood on Ben’s shoulders, but he ended up seeing farther. And no doubt, somebody will come along in due course and do a lot better than we have.

WARREN BUFFETT: I enjoyed making money more than Ben. I mean, candidly.
沃伦·巴菲特: 我比本更享受赚钱的过程。我是说,坦率地说。

With Ben, it just — it really was incidental, at least by the time I knew him. It may have been different when he was younger. But it just didn’t — the process didn’t — of the whole game did not interest him more than a dozen other things may have interested him.

With me, I just find it interesting. And therefore, you know, I’ve spent way more — a way higher percentage of my time thinking about investing and thinking about businesses. I’ve probably thought way more about businesses than Ben ever did. He had other things that interested him.

So I’ve pursued the game a little — quite a bit — differently than he did. And therefore, measuring the record is really — the two records — it’s not a proper measurement. I mean, he was doing victory laps while I still thought I was out there running against, you know, the whole field.

CHARLIE MUNGER: But Graham had some blind spots, partly of sort an ethical professorial nature. He was looking for things to teach that would work for every man, that any intelligent layman could learn and do well.
查理·芒格: 但格雷厄姆确实有一些盲点,部分是出于一种教授式的伦理观。他寻找的是可以教给所有人的方法,任何有智慧的普通人都能学会并做得好的东西。

Well, if that’s the limitation of what you’re looking for, they’ll be a lot of reality you won’t go into, because it’s too hard to figure out and too hard to explain.

Buffett, if there was money in it, had no such restriction. (Laughter)

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. Ben sort of thought it was cheating if we went out and talked to the management, because he just felt that the person who read his book, you know, living in Pocatello, Idaho, could not go out and meet the management. So he didn’t — and we didn’t do it. I mean, when I worked for Graham-Newman, I don’t think I ever visited a management in the 21 months I was there. He just —
沃伦·巴菲特: 是的。本认为,如果我们出去与管理层交谈,有点像是在“作弊”,因为他觉得读他书的人,比如住在爱达荷州波卡特洛的人,无法亲自见到管理层。所以他没有做——我们也没有做。我在格雷厄姆-纽曼工作期间,21个月内我不记得曾拜访过任何一家公司的管理层。他就是——

But, you know, he wasn’t sure whether it would be useful, anyway.

But if it would be useful, you know, that meant that his book was not all that was needed, that you had to add something to it.

I found it fun to go out and talk about their businesses with people, or to check with competitors, or suppliers, or customers, and all that.

But — Ben didn’t think there was anything wrong with that. He just felt that if you had to do that, then his book was not the complete answer. And he didn’t really want to do anything that the reader of his book couldn’t do if he was on a desert island, you know, basically, with just one line to a broker.

CHARLIE MUNGER: But if you stop to think about it, Graham was trying to play the game of “Pin the Donkey,” wearing very dark glasses. And Warren, of course, would use the biggest search light he could find. (Laughter)
查理·芒格: 但如果你仔细想想,格雷厄姆就像是在戴着非常暗的眼镜玩“盲人贴驴尾”游戏。而沃伦当然会用他能找到的最大探照灯。(笑声)

WARREN BUFFETT: And we still can’t find any donkeys these days. (Laughter)
沃伦·巴菲特: 而如今,我们还是找不到任何“驴子”。(笑声)

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