2025-01-24 Bill Gates.I Coded While I Hiked as a Teenager. Was I on the Spectrum? Probably.

2025-01-24 Bill Gates.I Coded While I Hiked as a Teenager. Was I on the Spectrum? Probably.

When I was around 13, I started hanging out with a group of boys who met up for regular long hikes in the mountains around Seattle. We got to know each other as Boy Scouts. We did plenty of hiking and camping with our troop, but we very quickly formed a sort of splinter group that went on our own expeditions—and that’s how we thought of them, as expeditions. We wanted more freedom and more risk than the trips the Scouts offered.

There were usually five of us—Mike, Rocky, Reilly, Danny and me. Mike was the leader; he was a few years older than the rest of us and had vastly more outdoor experience.

Over the course of three years or so we hiked hundreds of miles together. We covered the Olympic National Forest west of Seattle and Glacier Peak Wilderness to the northeast and did hikes along the Pacific Coast. We’d often go for seven days or more at a stretch, guided only by topographic maps through old-growth forests and rocky beaches where we tried to time the tides as we hustled around points.

During school breaks, we’d take off on extended trips, hiking and camping in all weather, which in the Pacific Northwest often meant a week of soaked, itchy Army surplus wool pants and pruney toes. We weren’t doing technical climbing. No ropes or slings or sheer rock faces. Just long, hard hikes. It wasn’t dangerous beyond the fact that we were teenagers deep in the mountains, many hours from help and well before cellphones were a thing.

Making our own decisions


Over time we grew into a confident, tightknit team. We’d finish a full day of hiking, decide upon a place to camp, and with hardly a word we’d all fall into our jobs. Mike and Rocky might tie up the tarp that would be our roof. Danny foraged the undergrowth for dry wood, and Reilly and I coaxed a starter stick and twigs into our fire for the night.
And then we ate. Cheap food that was light in our packs but substantial enough to fuel us through the trip. Nothing ever tasted better. For dinner we’d chop up a brick of Spam and mix it with Hamburger Helper or a packet of beef stroganoff mix. In the morning, we might have Carnation Instant Breakfast mix or a powder that with water transformed into a Western omelet, at least according to the package. My morning favorite: Oscar Mayer Smokie Links, a sausage billed as “all meat,” now extinct.

We used a single frying pan to prepare most of the food, and we ate out of empty #10 coffee cans we each carried. Those cans were our water pails, our saucepans, our oatmeal bowls. I don’t know who among us invented the hot raspberry drink. Not that it was a great culinary innovation: just add instant Jell-O mix to boiling water and drink. It worked as dessert or as a morning sugar boost before a day of hiking.

We were away from our parents and the control of any adults, making our own decisions about where to go, what to eat, when we slept, judging for ourselves what risks to take. At school, none of us were the cool children. Only Danny played an organized sport—basketball—and he soon quit to make time for our hikes.

I was the skinniest of the group and usually the coldest, and I always felt like I was weaker than the others. Still, I liked the physical challenge and the feeling of autonomy. Though hiking was becoming popular in our part of the country, not a lot of teenagers were traipsing off in the woods for eight days on their own.

Adventures in computing


That said, it was the 1970s, and attitudes toward parenting were looser than they are today. Children generally had more freedom. And by the time I was in my early teens, my parents had accepted that I was different from many of my peers and had come to terms with the fact that I needed a certain amount of independence in making my way through the world. That acceptance had been hard-won—especially from my mother—but it would play a defining part in who I was to become.

Looking back now, I’m sure all of us were searching for something on those trips beyond camaraderie and a sense of accomplishment. We were at that age when children test their limits, experiment with different identities—and sometimes feel a yearning for bigger, even transcendent experiences. I had started to feel a clear longing to figure out what my path would be. I wasn’t sure what direction it would take, but it had to be something interesting and consequential.

Also in those years, I was spending a lot of time with a different group of boys. Kent, Paul, Ric and I all went to the same private school, Lakeside, which had set up a way for students to connect with a big mainframe computer over a phone line. It was incredibly rare back then for teenagers to have access to a computer in any form. The four of us really took to it, devoting all of our free time to writing increasingly more sophisticated programs and exploring what we could do with that electronic machine.

On the surface, the difference between hiking and programming couldn’t have been greater. But each felt like an adventure. With both sets of friends I was exploring new worlds, traveling to places even most adults couldn’t reach. Like hiking, programming fit me because it allowed me to define my own measure of success, and it seemed limitless, not determined by how fast I could run or how far I could throw.

The logic, focus and stamina needed to write long, complicated programs came naturally to me. Unlike in hiking, among that group of friends, I was the leader.
编写冗长、复杂的程序所需的逻辑、专注力和耐力对我来说是自然而然的。 与徒步旅行不同,在那群朋友中,我是领导者。

No turning back

Toward the end of my sophomore year, in June 1971, Mike called me with our next trip: 50 miles in the Olympic Mountains. The route he chose was called the Press Expedition Trail, after a group sponsored by a newspaper that had explored the area in 1890. Did he mean the same trip on which the men nearly starved to death and their clothes rotted on their bodies? Yes, but that was a long time ago, he said.

Eight decades later it would still be a tough hike. That year had brought a lot of snow, so it was a particularly daunting proposition. But since everyone else—Rocky, Reilly and Danny—was up for it, there was no way I was going to wimp out. Plus, a younger Scout, a guy named Chip, was game. I had to go.

The plan was to climb the Low Divide pass, descend to the Quinault River, and then hike the same trail back, staying each night in log shelters along the way. Six or seven days total. The first day was easy, and we spent the night in a beautiful snow-covered meadow.

Over the next day or two, as we climbed the Low Divide, the snow got deeper. When we reached the spot where we planned to spend the night, the shelter was buried in snow. I enjoyed a moment of private elation. Surely, I thought, we’d backtrack, head down to a far more welcoming shelter we passed earlier in the day. We’d make a fire, get warm and eat.
Mike said we’d take a vote: head back or push on to our final destination. Either choice meant a several-hour hike. “We passed a shelter at the bottom; it’s 1,800 feet down. We could go back down and stay there, or we could continue on to the Quinault River,” Mike said. He didn’t need to spell out that going back meant aborting our mission to reach the river.

“What do you think, Dan?” Mike asked. Danny was the unofficial second in command in our little group. He was taller than everyone and a very capable hiker with long legs that never seemed to tire. Whatever he said would sway the vote.

“Well, we’re almost there, maybe we should just go on” Danny said. As the hands went up, it was clear I was in the minority. We’d push on.

A few minutes down the trail I said, “Danny, I’m not happy with you. You could have stopped this.” I was joking—sort of.

A coding puzzle on the trail


I remember this trip for how cold and miserable I felt that day. I also remember it for what I did next. I retreated into my own thoughts. I pictured computer code.

Around that time, someone had lent Lakeside a computer called a PDP-8, made by Digital Equipment Corp. This was 1971, and while I was deep into the nascent world of computers, I had never seen anything like it. Up until then, my friends and I had used only huge mainframe computers that were simultaneously shared with other people. We usually connected to them over a phone line or else they were locked in a separate room.

But the PDP-8 was designed to be used directly by one person and was small enough to sit on the desk next to you. It was probably the closest thing in its day to the personal computers that would be common a decade or so later—though one that weighed 80 pounds and cost $8,500. For a challenge, I decided I would try to write a version of the Basic programming language for the new computer.

Before the hike I was working on the part of the program that would tell the computer the order in which it should perform operations when someone inputs an equation, such as 3 (2 + 5) x 8 − 3, or wants to create a game that requires complex math. In programming that feature is called a formula evaluator.
在徒步旅行之前,我正在编写程序的一部分,它可以告诉计算机在输入一个方程(比如3 (2 + 5) x 8 − 3)或创建一个需要复杂数学运算的游戏时,应该按什么顺序执行操作。在编程中,这个功能被称为公式计算器。

Trudging along with my eyes on the ground in front of me, I worked on my evaluator, puzzling through the steps needed to perform the operations. Small was key. Computers back then had very little memory, which meant programs had to be lean, written using as little code as possible so as not to hog memory. The PDP-8 had just six kilobytes of the memory a computer uses to store data that it’s working on.

I’d picture the code and then try to trace how the computer would follow my commands. The rhythm of walking helped me think, much like a habit I had of rocking in place.

For the rest of that day my mind was immersed in my coding puzzle. As we descended to the valley floor, the snow gave way to a gently sloping trail through an old forest of spruce and fir trees until we reached the river, set up camp, ate our Spam Stroganoff and finally slept.

By early the next morning we were climbing back up the Low Divide in heavy wind and sleet that whipped sideways in our faces. We stopped under a tree long enough to share a sleeve of Ritz crackers and continued. Every camp we found was full of other hikers waiting out the storm. So we just kept going, adding more hours to an interminable day.

Crossing a stream, Chip fell and gashed his knee. Mike cleaned the wound and applied butterfly bandages; now we moved only as fast as Chip limped. All the while, I silently honed my code. I hardly spoke a word during the 20 miles we hiked that day. Eventually we came to a shelter that had room for us and set up camp.

Efficient and pleasingly simple


Like the famous line “I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time,” it’s easier to write a program in sloppy code that goes on for pages than to write the same program on a single page. The sloppy version will also run more slowly and use more memory. Over the course of that hike, I had the time to write short.

On that long day I slimmed it down more, like whittling little pieces off a stick to sharpen the point. What I made seemed efficient and pleasingly simple. It was by far the best code I had ever written.

As we made our way back to the trailhead the next afternoon, the rain finally gave way to clear skies and the warmth of sunlight. I felt the elation that always hit me after a hike, when all the hard work was behind me.

By the time school started again in the fall, whoever had lent us the PDP-8 had reclaimed it. I never finished my Basic project. But the code I wrote on that hike, my formula evaluator—and its beauty—stayed with me.

Three and a half years later, I was a sophomore in college not sure of my path in life when Paul Allen, one of my Lakeside friends, burst into my dorm room with news of a groundbreaking computer. I knew we could write a Basic language for it; we had a head start.

The first thing I did was to think back to that miserable day on the Low Divide and retrieve from my memory the evaluator code I had written. I typed it into a computer, and with that planted the seed of what would become one of the world’s largest companies and the beginning of a new industry.

A lucky kid


Often success stories reduce people to stock characters: the boy wonder, the genius engineer, the iconoclastic designer, the paradoxical tycoon. In my case, I’m struck by the set of unique circumstances—mostly out of my control—that shaped both my character and my career. It’s impossible to overstate the unearned privilege I enjoyed. To be born in the rich U.S. is a big part of a winning birth-lottery ticket, as is being born white and male in a society that advantages white men.

Add to that my lucky timing. I was a rebellious toddler when engineers figured out how to integrate tiny circuits on a piece of silicon, giving birth to the semiconductor chip. I was in grade school when another engineer predicted those circuits would grow smaller and smaller at an exponential rate for years into the future. By the time I started programming at age 13, chips were storing data inside the large computers to which we had uncommon access, and by the time I got my driver’s license, the main functions of an entire computer could be fit onto a single chip.

Realizing early on that I had a head for math was a critical step in my story. In his terrific book How Not to Be Wrong, mathematician Jordan Ellenberg observes that “knowing mathematics is like wearing a pair of X-ray specs that reveal hidden structures underneath the messy and chaotic surface of the world.”

Those X-ray specs helped me identify the order underlying the chaos and reinforced my sense that the correct answer was always out there—I just needed to find it. That insight came at one of the most formative times of a kid’s life, when the brain is transforming into a more specialized and efficient tool. Facility with numbers gave me confidence and even a sense of security.

I spent a rare vacation in my early 30s watching films of the late Richard Feynman teaching physics to university students. I was instantly captivated by the absolute mastery he had of his topic and the childlike wonder he showed in explaining it.

I quickly read everything he wrote that I could find. I recognized the joy he derived from uncovering new knowledge and exploring the mysteries of the world—“the pleasure of finding the thing out,” as he put it. “This is the gold. This is the excitement, the pay you get for all of the disciplined thinking and hard work,” he explained in The Meaning of It All.
Feynman was a special case, a genius with a singular breadth and depth of understanding of the world and an ability to reason his way through puzzles in an array of fields. But he articulates so well the feeling that took root in me as a kid, when I started building mental models that helped me visualize how the pieces of the world fit together.

As I accumulated more knowledge, the models grew more sophisticated. That was my path to software. Getting hooked on coding at Lakeside, and through all the steps that followed, I was intensely driven by the love of what I was learning, accruing expertise just when it was needed: at the dawn of the personal computer.

On the spectrum


Curiosity can’t be satisfied in a vacuum. It requires nurturing, resources, guidance, support. The biggest part of my good fortune was being born to Bill and Mary Gates—parents who struggled with their complicated son but ultimately seemed to intuitively understand how to guide him.

If I were growing up today, I probably would be diagnosed on the autism spectrum. During my childhood, the fact that some people’s brains process information differently from others wasn’t widely understood. (The term “neurodivergent” wouldn’t be coined until the 1990s.) My parents had no guideposts or textbooks to help them grasp why their son became so obsessed with certain projects, missed social cues and could be rude and inappropriate without seeming to notice his effect on others.
乔布斯的看法非常准确,参考:《1996-06 Steve Jobs.Triumph of the Nerds》
Steve Jobs 史蒂夫·乔布斯
The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste, they have absolutely no taste, and what that means is - I don't mean that in a small way I mean that in a big way. In the sense that they they don't think of original ideas and they don't bring much culture into their product ehm and you say why is that important - well you know proportionally spaced fonts come from type setting and beautiful books, that's where one gets the idea - if it weren't for the Mac they would never have that in their products and ehm so I guess I am saddened, not by Microsoft's success - I have no problem with their success, they've earned their success for the most part. I have a problem with the fact that they just make really third rate products.
微软唯一的问题是他们没有品味,他们完全没有没有品味,我的意思是——我不是小题大做,我的意思是以一种重要的方式。也就是说,他们不考虑原创的想法,他们不将大量文化融入他们的产品,嗯,你会问这为什么重要——好吧,你知道按比例间隔的字体来自排版和美丽的书籍, 这就是人们产生想法的地方——如果没有 Mac,他们就永远不会出现在他们的产品中,所以我想我感到难过,不是因为微软的成功 - 我对他们的成功没有意见,他们的成功大部分是应得的。我对他们只是制作三流产品这一事实有问题。

What I do know is that my parents afforded me the precise blend of support and pressure I needed: They gave me room to grow emotionally, and they created opportunities for me to develop my social skills. Instead of allowing me to turn inward, they pushed me out into the world—to the baseball team, the Cub Scouts and other families’ dinner tables. And they gave me constant exposure to adults, immersing me in the language and ideas of their friends and colleagues, which fed my curiosity about the world beyond school.
Even with their influence, my social side would be slow to develop, as would my awareness of the impact I can have on other people. But that has come with age, with experience, with children, and I’m better for it. I wish it had come sooner, even if I wouldn’t trade the brain I was given for anything.

The “solid front” my parents maintained, laid out by my mom in a letter she wrote my father before they were married, never wavered, but it also allowed for their differences to shape me. I will never have my father’s calm bearing, but he instilled in me a fundamental sense of confidence and capability.

My mother’s influence was more complex. Internalized by me, her expectations bloomed into an even stronger ambition to succeed, to stand out and to do something important. It was as if I needed to clear my mom’s bar by such a wide margin that there would be nothing left to say on the matter.

But, of course, there was always something more to be said. It was my mother who regularly reminded me that I was merely a steward of any wealth I gained. With wealth came the responsibility to give it away, she would tell me.

I regret that my mom didn’t live long enough to see how fully I’ve tried to meet that expectation: she passed away in 1994, at age 64, from breast cancer. It would be my father in the years after my mom died who would help get our foundation started and serve as a co-chair for years, bringing the same compassion and decency that had served so well in his law career.

For most of my life, I’ve been focused on what’s ahead. Even now, most days I’m working on hoped-for breakthroughs that may not happen for years, if they happen at all.

As I grow older, though, I find myself looking back more and more. Piecing together memories helps me better understand myself, it turns out. It’s a marvel of adulthood to realize that when you strip away all the years and all the learning, much of who you are was there from the start. I still feel the same sense of anticipation—a kid alert and wanting to make sense of it all.

Bill Gates is the chair of the Gates Foundation and the co-founder of Microsoft. This essay is adapted from his new memoir, “Source Code: My Beginnings,” which will be published by Knopf on Feb. 4.

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