37. Benjamin Graham and how Buffett would teach investing
沃伦·巴菲特: 请第5区。
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hello, Mr. Buffett and Mr. Munger. My name’s James Claus (PH) from New York City. And I just wanted to ask you a question.
观众提问者: 你好,巴菲特先生和芒格先生。我是来自纽约市的詹姆斯·克劳斯(音),我有个问题想问您。
Both you and Mr. Munger have repeatedly said that you don’t believe that business valuation is being taught correctly at our universities, and as a Ph.D. student at Columbia Business School, that troubles me, understandably, because in a couple of years I’ll be joining the ranks of those teaching business valuation.
My question isn’t what sources, such as Graham or Fisher or Mr. Munger’s talks, you would point people that are teaching business valuation to, but do you have any counsel about the techniques of teaching business valuation?
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, I was lucky. I had a sensational teacher in Ben Graham, and we had a course there, there’s at least one fellow out in the audience here that attended with me. And Ben made it terribly interesting, because what we did was we walked into that class and we valued companies.
沃伦·巴菲特: 我很幸运,我有一位非常出色的老师——本·格雷厄姆。在他的课程中,我们至少有一位观众和我一起上过他的课。本让课程变得非常有趣,因为我们进入课堂后,就开始评估公司。
And he had various little games he would play with us. Sometimes he would have us evaluate company A and company B with a whole bunch of figures, and then we would find out that A and B were the same company at different points in its history, for example.
And then there were a lot of little games he played to get us to think about what were the key variables and how could we go off the track.
I remember one time Ben met with Charlie and me and about nine or so other people down in San Diego in 1968 or so, when he gave all of us a little true/false test, and we all thought we were pretty smart — we all flunked.
But that was his way of teaching us that a smart man playing his own game and working at fooling you could do a pretty good job at it.
But I would, you know, if I were teaching a course on investments, there would be simply one valuation study after another with the students, trying to identify the key variables in that particular business, and evaluating how predictable they were first, because that is the first step.
If something is not very predictable, forget it. You know, you don’t have to be right about every company. You have to make a few good decisions in your lifetime.
But then when you find — the important thing is to know when you find one where you really do know the key variables — which ones are important — and you do think you’ve got a fix on them.
Where we’ve been — where we’ve done well, Charlie and I made a dozen or so very big decisions relative to net worth, but not as big as they should have been. And we’ve known we were right on those going in. I mean they just weren’t that complicated. And we knew we were focusing on the right variables and they were dominant.
And we knew that even though we couldn’t take it out to five decimal places or anything like that, we knew that in a general way we were right about them. And that’s what we look for. The fat pitch. And that’s what I would be teaching — trying to teach students to do. And I would not try to teach them to think they could do the impossible.
CHARLIE MUNGER: Yes. If you’re planning to teach business valuation, and what you hope to do is teach the way people teach real estate appraising. So you can take any company, and your students, after studying your course, will be able to give you an appraisal of that company, which will indicate, really, its future prospects compared to its market price, I think you’re attempting the impossible.
查理·芒格: 是的。如果你打算教授企业估值,并希望以教房地产评估的方式进行教学,也就是说,任何一家公司,你的学生在学习了你的课程后,能够给出一个评估结果,指出该公司未来的前景与其市场价格相比的真实价值,那么我认为你是在尝试完成不可能的任务。
WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, probably on the final exam I would take an internet company, and I would say the final exam, the question is, “How much is this worth?” And anybody that gave me an answer I would flunk. (Laughter)
沃伦·巴菲特: 是的,也许在期末考试中,我会拿一家互联网公司作为例子,我会问,“这家公司值多少钱?”如果有人给出了答案,我会让他不及格。(笑声)
查理·芒格: 没错,没错。
WARREN BUFFETT: Make grading papers easy, too. (Laughter)
沃伦·巴菲特: 这样改试卷也轻松了。(笑声)
75. End of Cold War isn’t an investing factor
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Second question. Has to do with Ben Graham. And he changed his valuation standards as the decades progressed.
When he couldn’t buy stocks below a net-net, he changed his standards because the environment changed.
Now, the world today seems to be a much different place than in 1989 when the U.S.S.R. collapsed. Even they are stumbling toward the free enterprise system. The Russian mafia is a perverse illustration of that.
Now there is only one superpower in the world, the U.S.A., and we must be extremely grateful for the men who put us on the track to the free enterprise system.
Now, the free enterprise system is out of the bottle, it’s not going to get back in. It seems to be expanding and accelerating around the world. With the resulting expansion of world trade, may that lead to a reevaluation of historical measures for measuring investments?
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, my answer to that would be that I doubt it, but I, you know, I also don’t know.
But I don’t think that the end of the Cold War is something that I would factor into my evaluation of businesses. There are all kinds of events that happened, and their impact, in terms of being quantified, very difficult to figure over time, very difficult to isolate any single variable in a complex economic equation.
So in terms of how the world was going to work ten years from now, or the returns are going to be on equity in business, you know, I don’t know what will be all the variables that impact on that.
And obviously, right now people are very bullish about the fact that those returns — or something like those returns — will continue.
But I don’t — I would not rely in making such a projection on the fact that the Cold War has ended or really any political or economic development around the world.
I don’t know how to predict future earnings of American business. And when I look at all of the great historic events of the past, nothing there gives me much in the way of a clue as to which ones would signal major changes in profitability of American business.
CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, I think you raise one very interesting question. If the rest of the world becomes very much more prosperous, as it will if it adopts the free enterprise system, which investments are likely to do best?
I would argue that the Cokes and Gillettes and so on are likely to be helped by a great increase in prosperity in what is now the Third World. And I’m not so sure that’s true of a lot of other businesses.
WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, we like the international businesses we have. And as I say, our three top holdings all have a major international aspect to them, and really, in aggregate, a dominant international aspect to them.
And there’s no question in my mind that a Coke will grow faster outside of the United States than in the United States, and the same is true of Gillette, maybe the same is true of American Express. So that’s built into what we — our evaluation of those businesses.
But I felt that way before 1989, too. I mean, it’s very hard to evaluate how the ball is going to bounce, generally, around the world. But it is a plus to have products such as Gillette has or Coke has, that have demonstrated the fact that they travel extraordinarily well around the world, the people crave those products, and that they’re going to — no one’s going to find a way to do it better than those two companies in their respective fields. And they sell an inexpensive product, so all of that’s going for us.
But in terms of how stocks generally sell or the profitability of American business generally is in the future, it doesn’t help me much.
Charlie, any more on that?
89. Beware of companies that must “spend money like crazy”
WARREN BUFFETT: OK, we’re going to go to zone 6 and I’m going to have a Dilly Bar, and Charlie has got one here, too. (Laughter and applause)
沃伦·巴菲特:好的,现在请第6区提问。我先吃一根Dilly Bar,查理也有一根。(笑声与掌声)
These are terrific.
AUDIENCE MEMBER: My question has to do with what you mentioned earlier about how companies have to reinvest a certain amount of cash in their business every year just to stay in place.
And if one could say that the best businesses are the ones that not only throw off lots of cash, but can reinvest it in more capacity. But I suppose the paradox is that the better a company’s opportunities for making expansionary capital expenditures, the worse they appear to be as consumers of cash rather than generators of cash.
What specific techniques have you used to figure out the maintenance capital expenditures that you need to do in order to figure out how much cash a company is throwing off? What techniques have you used on Gillette or other companies that you’ve studied?
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, if you look at a company such as Gillette or Coke, you won’t find great differences between their depreciation — forget about amortization for the moment — but depreciation and sort of the required capital expenditures.
If we got into a hyperinflationary period or — I mean, you can find — you can set up cases where that wouldn’t be true.
But by and large, the depreciation charge is not inappropriate in most companies to use as a proxy for required capital expenditures. Which is why we think that reported earnings plus amortization of intangibles usually gives a pretty good indication of earning power.
I don’t — I’ve never given a thought to whether Gillette needs to spend a hundred million dollars more, a hundred million dollars less, than depreciation in order to maintain its competitive position. But I would guess the range is even considerably less than that versus its recorded depreciation.
Businesses you have to worry about — I mean, an airline business is a good case. In the airlines, you know, you just have to keep spending money like crazy. And you have to spend money like crazy if it’s attractive to spend money, and you have to spend it the same way if it’s unattractive. You just — it’s part of the game.
Even in our textile business, to stay competitive we would’ve needed to spend substantial money without any necessary — any clear prospects of making any money when we got through spending it.
And those are real traps, those kind of businesses. And they make out one way or another, but they’re dangerous.
And in a See’s Candy we would love to be able to spend 10 million, 100 million, $500 million and get anything like the returns we’ve gotten in the past.
But there aren’t good ways to do it, unfortunately. We’ll keep looking, but it’s not a business where capital produces the profits.
At FlightSafety, capital produces the profits. You need more simulators as you go along, and more pilots are to be trained, and so capital is required to produce profits. But it’s just not the case at See’s.
And at Coca-Cola, particularly when new markets come along, you know, the Chinas of the world or East Germany or something of the sort, the Coca-Cola Company itself would frequently make the investments needed to build up the bottling infrastructure to rapidly capitalize on those markets, the old Soviet Union.
So those are — those are expenditures — you don’t even make the calculation on them, you just know you’ve have to do it.
You got a wonderful business, and you want to have it spread worldwide, and you want to capitalize on it to its fullest.
And you can make a return on investment calculation, but as far as I’m concerned it’s a waste of time because you’re going to do it anyway, and you know you want to dominate those markets over time.
And eventually, you’ll probably fold those investments into other bottling systems as the market gets developed. But you don’t want to wait for conventional bottlers to do it, you want to be there.
One of the ironies, incidentally — and might get a kick out of it, some of the older members of the audience — that when the Berlin Wall went down and Coke was there that day with Coca-Cola for East Germany, that Coke came from the bottling plant at Dunkirk.
So there was a certain poetic — (crowd noise) — irony there.
Charlie, do you have anything on this?
CHARLIE MUNGER: I’ve heard Warren say since very early in his life that the difference between a good business and a bad business is usually the good business just throws up one easy decision after another, whereas the bad business gives you a horrible choice where the decision is hard to make and, is this really going to work? And is it worth the money?
If you want a system for determining which is a good business and which is a bad business, just see which one is throwing the management bloopers time after time after time.
Easy decisions. It’s not very hard for us to decide to open a new See’s store in a new shopping center in California that’s obviously going to succeed. It’s a blooper.
On the other hand, there are plenty of businesses where the decisions that come across your desk are just awful. And those businesses, by and large, don’t work very well.
WARREN BUFFETT: I’ve been on the board of Coke now for 10 years, and we’ve had project after project come up, and there’s always an ROI. But it doesn’t really make much difference to me, because in the end almost any decision you make that solidifies and extends the dominance of Coke around the world in an industry that’s growing by a significant percentage, and which has great inherent underlying profitability, the decisions are going to be right and you’ve got people there that will execute them well.
CHARLIE MUNGER: You’re saying you get blooper after blooper.
WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. And then Charlie and I sat on USAir, and the decisions would come along, and it would be a question of, you know, do you buy the Eastern Shuttle, or whatever it may be?
And you’re running out of money. And yet to play the game and to keep the traffic flow with connecting passengers, I mean, you just have to continually make these decisions — whether you spend a hundred million dollars more on some airport.
And they’re agony because, again, you don’t have any real choice, but you also don’t have any real conviction that it’s going to translate — those choices are going to — or lack of choices — are going to translate themselves into real money later on.
So one game is just forcing you to push more money in to the table with no idea of what kind of a hand you hold, and the other one you get a chance to push more money in, knowing that you’ve got a winning hand all the way.
Charlie? Why’d we buy USAir? (Laughter)
Could’ve bought more Coke.
98. How Phil Fisher’s “scuttlebutt” method changed Buffett’s life
AUDIENCE MEMBER: My name is Travis Heath (PH). I’m from Dallas, Texas.
And my question regards what Phil Fisher referred to as “scuttlebutt.” When you’ve identified a business that you consider to warrant further investigation — more intense investigation — how much time do you spend commonly, both in terms of total hours and in terms of the span in weeks or months that you perform that investigation over?
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, the answer to that question is that now I spend practically none because I’ve done it in the past. And the one advantage of allocating capital is that an awful lot of what you do is cumulative in nature, so that you do get continuing benefits out of things that you’d done earlier.
So by now, I’m probably fairly familiar with most of the businesses that might qualify for investment at Berkshire.
But when I started out, and for a long time I used to do a lot of what Phil Fisher described — I followed his scuttlebutt method. And I don’t think you can do too much of it.
Now, the general premise of why you’re interested in something should be 80 percent of it or thereabouts. I mean, you don’t want to be chasing down every idea that way, so you should have a strong presumption.
You should be like a basketball coach who runs into a seven-footer on the street. I mean, you’re interested to start with; now you have to find out if you can keep him in school, if he’s coordinated, and all that sort of thing. That’s the scuttlebutt aspect of it.
But I believe that as you’re acquiring knowledge about industries in general, companies specifically, that there really isn’t anything like first doing some reading about them, and then getting out and talking to competitors, and customers, and suppliers, and ex-employees, and current employees, and whatever it may be.
And you will learn a lot. But it should be the last 20 percent or 10 percent. I mean, you don’t want to get too impressed by that, because you really want to start with a business where you think the economics are good, where they look like seven-footers, and then you want to go out with a scuttlebutt approach to possibly reject your original hypothesis.
And if you talk to a bunch of people on an industry and you ask them what competitor they fear the most, and why they fear them, and all of that sort of thing. You know, who would they use the silver bullet of Andy Grove’s on and so on, you’re going to learn a lot about it.
You’ll probably know more about the industry than most of the people in it when you get through, because you’ll bring an independent perspective to it, and you’ll be listening to everything everyone says rather than coming in with these preconceived notions and just sort of listening to your own truths after a while.
I advise it. I don’t really do it much anymore. I do it a little bit, and I talked in the annual report about how when we made the decision on keeping the American Express when we exchanged our Percs for common stock in 1994, I was using the scuttlebutt approach when I talked to Frank Olson.
I couldn’t have talked to a better guy than Frank Olson. Frank Olson, running Hertz Corporation, lots of experience at United Airlines, and a consumer marketing guy by nature. I mean, he understands business.
没有人比弗兰克·奥尔森更适合交谈了。他经营着赫兹公司,有丰富的United Airlines经验,本质上是一个消费品营销专家。他真的很懂生意。
And when I asked him how strong the American Express card was and what were the strengths and the weaknesses of it, and who was coming along after it, and so on, I mean, he could give me an answer in five minutes that would be better than I could accomplish in hours and hours and hours or weeks of roaming around and doing other things.
So you can learn from people. And Frank was a user of it. I mean, Frank was paying X percent to American Express for his Hertz cars. And Frank doesn’t like to pay out money, so why was he paying that? And if he was paying more than he was paying on Master Charge or Visa, why was he paying more? And then what could he do about it?
I mean, you just keep asking questions.
And I guess Davy [Lorimer Davidson] explained that in that video we had ahead of time. I’m very grateful to him for doing that, because that was a real effort for him.
But that was really what I was doing back in 1951 when I visited him down in Washington, because I was trying to figure out why people would insure with GEICO rather than with the companies that they were already insuring with, and how permanent that advantage was.
You know, what other things could you do with that advantage? And you know, there were just a lot of questions I wanted to ask him, and he was terrific in giving me the answer. It, you know, changed my life in a major way. So I have nobody to thank but Davy on that.
But that’s the scuttlebutt method and I do advise it.
CHARLIE MUNGER: Nothing to add.
114. Due diligence is useless and misses the point
WARREN BUFFETT: Area 9, please.
沃伦·巴菲特: 第九区,请提问。
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Good afternoon. My name is Fred Strasheim (PH) and I’m from here in Omaha.
观众: 下午好。我是弗雷德·斯特拉斯海姆(音),来自这里的奥马哈。
I have a question about your acquisition methodology. And I was intrigued to read in your annual report about your acquisition of Star Furniture.
我想问您关于收购方法的问题。我在您的年报中读到您收购Star Furniture的过程,感到很有趣。
And as I understand the process you followed, Mr. Buffett, you met with Mr. — or you — I’m sorry, you reviewed financials for a brief period, liked what you saw, then you met with Mr. Melvyn Wolff for two hours and struck a deal. And you wrote you had no need to check leases, work out employment contracts, et cetera.
沃伦·巴菲特: 没错。
AUDIENCE MEMBER: I think that most companies, when they do acquisitions, would feel the need to do a significant amount of legal due diligence, to do things like check the leases, check into things like undisclosed environmental liability, or perhaps threatened litigation.
观众: 我认为大多数公司在进行收购时,会觉得需要做大量的法律尽职调查,比如检查租约、调查未披露的环境责任或可能的法律诉讼等事项。
And I guess my question is, have you ever been burned by your approach?
WARREN BUFFETT: We’ve been burned by the — we’ve been burned only in the sense that we’ve made mistakes on judging the future economics of the business, which would’ve had nothing to do with due diligence.
沃伦·巴菲特: 我们吃过亏,但仅限于在判断企业未来经济状况时犯了错误,而这与尽职调查无关。
We regard what people normally refer to “due diligence” as, as really sort of boilerplate in most cases.
It’s a process that big companies go through. And they feel they have to go through it. And they’re ignoring — oftentimes, in our view — they’re ignoring what really counts, which is evaluating the people they’re getting in with, and evaluating the economics of the business. That’s 99 percent of the deal.
You know, you may run into an environmental liability problem, you know, one time in a hundred, or you may, you know, you may find a bad lease.
I asked Melvin about, you know, “Do you have any bad leases?” I mean, that’s the easiest way to do it. And I could read them all and try and look for every clause or something, but it isn’t going to — you know, that is not the problem.
We’ve made bad — lots of bad deals. We made a bad deal when we bought Hochschild Kohn, for example, the department store operation, back in 1966. But it had — fine people — but we were wrong on the economics of the business.
我们确实做过糟糕的交易,很多糟糕的交易。例如,在1966年,我们收购百货商店Hochschild Kohn时就是一次糟糕的交易。当时有很好的人在经营,但我们对业务的经济状况判断错误。
But the leases didn’t make any difference. You know, that sort of thing just was not important. And I can’t recall any time that what other people refer to as due diligence would’ve avoided a bad deal for us.
CHARLIE MUNGER: I can’t either.
查理·芒格: 我也想不起有过这样的情况。
WARREN BUFFETT: No. That’s 30-some years. And I —
沃伦·巴菲特: 没有。这是三十多年来的经验。并且——
The key thing — you just don’t want to do — I go — I’m on various public company boards — I’ve been on 19 public company boards — and you know, their idea of the due diligence is to send the lawyers out and have a bunch of investment bankers come in and make presentations and all that.
And I regard that as terribly diversionary, because the board sits there, you know, entranced by all of that, and everybody reporting how wonderful this thing is and how they checked out patents and all that sort of thing. And nobody is focusing really on where the business is going to be in five or 10 years.
You know, business judgment about economics — and people to some extent — but the business economics — that is 99 percent of deal making. And the rest, people may do it for their protection. I think too often they do it as a crutch just to go through with the deal that they want to go through with anyway, and of course all the professionals know that. So believe me, they come back with the diligence, whether due or not. And — (Laughter)
We are not big fans of that. I don’t know how many deals we’ve made over the years, but I cannot think of anything that traditional due diligence has had a thing to do with.
CHARLIE MUNGER: No, we’ve had surprises on the favorable side a couple of times —
查理·芒格: 不过,有几次我们在积极方面得到了意外惊喜——
WARREN BUFFETT: That is true. That is true.
沃伦·巴菲特: 确实如此,确实如此。
The kind of people that we’ve generally dealt with have usually told us the bad things first and good things after we made the deal.
We made a deal with a fellow over in Rockford in 1969, Eugene Abegg, Illinois National Bank and Trust Company. I made that deal in a couple of hours and, I mean, there just wasn’t any way that Gene was going to be hiding anything bad.
1969年,我们在罗克福德和尤金·阿贝格(Eugene Abegg)达成了一笔交易,他是伊利诺伊国家银行和信托公司的负责人。我在几个小时内就完成了这笔交易,我的意思是,吉恩不可能隐瞒任何坏消息。
For the next ten years when I went over there, every time I’d go to lunch he’d point out some building in town that we owned that wasn’t on the books, or some foundation we had that had money in it he hadn’t told me about.
And he even gave me some bills, one of which I carry in my pocket, that he had still sitting around that were issued by the bank that were our own money which he never told me about. We could cut them out like paper dolls. I mean, Gene was not a guy to show all his cards. (Laughter)
And those are the kind of people we’ve generally dealt with, and I would certainly say that Melvyn and [his sister] Shirley [Toomin] fit that description in spades.
35. What an annual report tells you about the CEO
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hi. My name is Stuart Kaye, and I’m from New York City.
Warren and Charlie, you spend a lot of time evaluating the management quality and integrity of the companies that you may invest in.
In my current job, I do not have the opportunity to do that. As I read through annual reports and financial statements, what do you suggest I focus on to help me to determine the quality and integrity of management?
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, you can — we’ve spent many, many years — and we’ve bought many things. I mean, I — without meeting managements at all, having any entree to them.
The stocks — the 5 billion of stocks — that we may have bought in the first quarter, most of those were companies I never met the management, never talked to them.
这些股票——价值 50 亿的股票——我们可能在第一季度买入,其中大多数公司的管理层我从未见过,也从未与他们交谈过。
We read a lot. We read annual reports. We read about competitors. We read about the industries they’re in.
In terms of sizing up managements — obviously if we’re going to buy the whole business, that’s a different question. Then you — because you — we’re going to buy it, be in bed with them, they’re going to run them, and we care very much about whether they’re going to behave in the future as they have in the past once we own the business. And we’ve had very good luck on that.
But in terms of marketable securities, we read the reports. Now, Charlie and I were just talking about one the other day where we read an annual report of a large oil company.
And the company — you know, hundred pages, public relations people, lots of pictures — spent a fortune on it. And you can’t find in that report what their finding cost per McF or per barrel of oil was last year. That’s the most important figure in an oil and gas company over a period of years, but every year counts.
The fact it wouldn’t even be discussed — the reason it wasn’t discussed, it was absolutely terrible — but the fact it wouldn’t even be discussed — and to the extent it was touched on, it was done in a dishonest manner.
When we read things where we basically are getting dishonest messages from the management, it makes a difference to us.
You know, like I say, in marketable securities we can solve that by selling the stock, and it’s not the same thing as buying the entire business.
But I think you can learn a lot by reading the annual letters. I mean, for one thing, if it’s clearly the product of some investor relations department or outside consultant or something of the sort, you know, that tells you something about the individual.
If he’s not willing to talk once a year through a few pages to the people that gave him their money to invest, I mean, that — I’ve really got — I’ve got some questions about people like that.
So I like that feeling that I’m hearing directly from somebody who regards me as a partner.
And you may not get it all the way, but when I get it 0 percent of the way, I don’t like it.
I’ve still bought — we’ve still bought into some — in marketable securities — we’ve bought into some extremely good businesses where we thought they were run by people we didn’t really like very well, because we didn’t feel they could screw them up.
Charlie? 查理?
CHARLIE MUNGER: Yeah. I think that’s exactly right. There are two things: the quality of the business and the quality of the management.
And if the business is good enough, it will carry a lousy manager. And the converse case, where a really good manager gets in a really lousy business, he’ll ordinarily have a very imperfect record.
In other words, it’s a rare person that can take over a textile business, totally doomed, which is what Warren did in his youthful folly —
CHARLIE MUNGER: — and turn it into what’s happened here. You should not be looking for other Warrens on the theory they’re under every bush.
WARREN BUFFETT: I figured it out in 20 years, though. I’ll have to say that for myself. (Laughs)
沃伦·巴菲特:不过,我在 20 年内想明白了。我得为自己说这一点。(笑)
Twenty years, and I finally figured out I was in the wrong business.
But there are businesses — if you gave me first draft pick of all the CEOs in America and said it’s your job to run Ford Motor now or, you know, pick a company that’s in a terribly tough business, you know, I wouldn’t do it.
I mean, that it’s just too tough. They may get it solved, you know, if they get cooperation from unions and a whole bunch of things, but it will not be solely in the control of the CEO who has that job.
He is dependent on too many good things happening outside to say that he alone can get the job, even if he’s the best in the world.

乔布斯回到苹果后再不想做To B的业务,他认为To C才是他真正想做的。
Landlords are turning to a hardball tactic to go after their tenants in rent disputes: tanking their credit scores.

When David Murray moved out of his St. Louis apartment two months early, he thought he had settled up by giving notice. So when he received a bill for $4,500 for two months rent plus penalties, he assumed there was a mistake. Then his credit score fell from a near-perfect 815 to a low of 630.
The landlord had hired a debt collector to go after the alleged arrears. The collection agency didn’t harass or sue him. It filed a claim with the credit bureaus.
“I asked them to please take me to small-claims court, and they’ve never contacted me,” he said.
Landlords say targeting credit scores, with the help of debt collectors, has proven more efficient than endless phone calls or drawn-out legal battles. Rental debt is now one of the most common topics of complaints related to debt collection, according to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau data.
In targeting credit scores, landlords recognized their centrality to American life. The three-digit numbers are important not just for helping lenders decide whether to extend loans, but also for helping landlords decide whether to rent apartments. The credit-scoring industry has made a recent push to include on-time rental payments in credit scores, saying it will lift some scores. But credit reports are quick to reflect negative marks, too.
Consumer advocates say that shifting rent disputes from the courtroom to the credit-reporting system gives landlords unchecked power. Rent cases historically account for more than half of all small-claims disputes. But unlike in court—where both sides present evidence and argue their case—credit reporting allows landlords and debt collectors to act as both judge and jury.
Landlords say that one of the few ways to penalize people who owe them is to report unpaid rent to credit bureaus, such as Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. Since 2017, bureaus haven’t put unpaid-rent judgments from small-claims courts on credit reports, said Alexandra Alvarado, director of marketing and education at the American Apartment Owners Association. This makes it harder for landlords to screen unreliable tenants.
“It seems like there really isn’t a consequence for getting evicted,” she said. “It’s quite frustrating for landlords.”
So some landlords have taken to hiring collection agencies to report unpaid rent—often at the cost of about 30% of recovered funds, Alvarado said.
For renters, the impact can be devastating. People can only review the data included in their credit reports once published. That means they can’t correct errors until their scores have already fallen. The threat of credit damage often pressures tenants to pay debts they believe are unfair.
Murray paid up once before. In 2019, his daughter faced a similar dispute. Her landlord claimed she failed to give proper notice before moving out at the end of her lease, charging her two months’ rent after her departure.
Initially, she planned to fight. But her credit score dropped by so much that she struggled to secure another apartment. Eventually, Murray settled the debt on her behalf.
When it happened again in 2022, he didn’t want to give in. Murray said he had documents showing he met the lease terms. He disputed the report, but credit bureaus rejected his claim after 19 days. He had thought the credit bureaus would ask him for his evidence, but they didn’t.
A spokesman for Murray’s apartment complex said he didn’t follow proper procedures for early termination and owed it $4,500.
Murray’s score remains in the low 700s.
When a consumer disputes an item on a credit report, credit bureaus ask the creditor or debt collector to verify the information.
Credit bureaus can remove accounts from credit reports if they have factual evidence—such as a copy of a legal judgment—proving that the information is incorrect.
The industry doesn’t see itself as an arbiter between parties who disagree, according to the Consumer Data Industry Association, a trade group representing credit bureaus.
Debt collectors often take the landlords at their word. And they rarely review evidence from tenants who challenge the claims, court documents show.
As one debt collector said in a 2021 deposition about the landlords she works for: “If the client says it’s correct, then it’s correct.”
Consumer advocates say they are seeing landlords use credit reports as leverage, even after courts rule they aren’t owed any money.
“The debt collectors know and the landlords know, when you report that debt, no other landlord is going to rent to you,” said Ingmar Goldson, a Maryland-based consumer-protection lawyer who has been increasingly working on credit disputes.
Sometimes, the consequences of credit-report feuds linger long after the matters are settled.
When Bre-Ana Garland’s landlord sued her for unpaid rent, a Baltimore judge dismissed the case, saying she didn’t have to pay because the landlord illegally rented out the property. That didn’t stop the landlord from hiring a collection agency to put the alleged debt on her credit report.
Garland sued to try to get it removed. At the time, she and her three children were living at a Ramada Inn, unable to find housing because of the damage to her credit score, according to legal filings.
The court eventually sided with her, and the debt was removed from her credit report. But the dispute left her with little savings, and she struggled to find housing. A judge ordered the debt collector, Fidelity Creditor Service, to pay Garland more than $100,000 after it refused to respond to the lawsuit properly.
法院最终支持了她的主张,债务从她的信用报告中被删除。但这场争端使她几乎没有积蓄,找房子也十分艰难。一位法官下令催收机构Fidelity Creditor Service在拒绝适当回应诉讼后支付加兰德超过10万美元。
The company didn’t respond to the order either. Garland hasn’t received the money.
Fidelity Creditor Service didn’t respond to requests for comment.
Fidelity Creditor Service也没有回应置评请求。