Warren Buffett: I’m Warren Buffett and that’s me with Charlie in an unscripted and spontaneous photo taken in Savannah, Georgia early in 1982. Our wives could tell us apart, as long as we wore name tags. When Charlie and I first met in 1959, if was as if twins who had been separated at birth had been reunited. But there were a few important differences between Charlie and me that people missed. Let me elaborate.
沃伦-巴菲特:我是沃伦-巴菲特,这是我和查理 1982 年初在佐治亚州萨凡纳拍摄的一张未经记录的即兴照片。只要我们佩戴名牌,我们的妻子就能把我们区分开来。我和查理在 1959 年初次见面时,就像一对出生时就分离的双胞胎重逢了一样。但是,查理和我之间有一些重要的区别,却被人们忽略了。让我来详细说说。
For one thing, I was only interested in whether things worked. Charlie wanted to know how things worked. I would turn on a switch and if the tv or light bulb went on, I could not care less about what had caused that miracle. Charlie, however, would want to understand every aspect of how a generator worked, how electricity traveled to his home, the merits of AC vs DC, whatever. You could say that Charlie understood electricity better than Thomas Edison ever did.
Like his hero, Ben Franklin, Charlie wanted to understand everything, and he pretty well succeeded. Additionally, Charlie liked to design things. When we met in 1959, he was designing the building, the house in which he lived throughout his life. He once wanted to design a home for me in Santa Barbara, on a piece of property Berkshire had inherited - fat chance! In 1958, I bought the house I now live in, but I would have been happy with any of 100 or more houses as long it was in the general neighborhood of where I had been renting. Of course I wanted my wife to like it and wanted to have room for 4 or 5 kids, but what it looked like inside, outside was irrelevant.
就像他的偶像本-富兰克林一样,查理希望了解一切,而且他非常成功。此外,查理还喜欢设计。1959 年我们相识时,他正在设计他一生居住的房子。他曾想在圣巴巴拉为我设计一座房子,就在伯克希尔继承的一块地产上--机会难得!1958 年,我买下了现在住的房子,但只要是在我一直租住的地方附近,100 多栋房子中的任何一栋我都会很满意。当然,我希望我的妻子喜欢这所房子,并希望有足够的空间容纳 4 或 5 个孩子,但房子内部和外部看起来如何并不重要。
要么向内收敛,要么趋向于碎片化,if you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying.,这是对本分比较完美的解释。
In reality, we think the open versus closed argument is just a smokescreen to try and hide the real issue, which is, what's best for the customer, fragmented versus integrated. We think Android is very, very fragmented and becoming more fragmented by the day. And as you know, Apple's strives for the integrated model so that the user isn't forced to be the systems integrator.
The difference, of course, was of supreme relevance to Berkshire. Charlie’s architectural thoughts led to the Berkshire Hathaway of today. Some of you may be surprised that Charlie first became a director of Berkshire in 1978. Through a small partnership, I bought control of Berkshire early in 1965. Charlie then didn’t have a penny invested in Berkshire. But he immediately told me purchase was just plain dumb. Which it was.
当然,这种差异对伯克希尔公司来说是至关重要的。查理的建筑思想成就了今天的伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司。你们中的一些人可能会对查理于 1978 年首次成为伯克希尔公司董事感到惊讶。1965 年初,我通过一家小型合伙公司买下了伯克希尔公司的控制权。查理当时没有在伯克希尔公司投资一分钱。但他立即告诉我,购买伯克希尔公司简直是愚蠢之举。事实的确如此。
Charlie then did for me what needed to be done to correct my error. And over time, we worked together to achieve his vision. Charlie, in effect, then became the architect of today’s Berkshire. The architect is the person who dreams of, then designs, and finally supervises the construction of great structures. The carpenters and the (inaudible), that’s me, are needed, but the architect is the genius who provides the blueprint.
Berkshire has become a great company with a unique group of owners. The directors of Berkshire are the trustees of the structure Charlie designed that lives beyond his lifetime and will live far beyond mine. I’m now going to introduce these directors and give you a short first quarter report and the outlook for the company. After that, we will take your questions. Please turn up the lights, and I hope you’ll join me in applauding Charlie Munger, the architect of Berkshire.