55. No magic formula for calculating risk
WARREN BUFFETT: Becky? 沃伦·巴菲特:贝基?
BECKY QUICK: This question comes from Scott Bondurant who is from Chicago, Illinois, and he’s a shareholder.
And he asks, “Can you please elaborate your views on risk? You clearly aren’t a fan of relying on statistical probabilities, and you highlight the need for $20 billion in cash to feel comfortable. Why is that the magic number, and has it changed over time?”
他问:“你能详细阐述一下你对风险的看法吗?显然你不喜欢依赖统计概率,并且你强调需要 200 亿美元的现金才能感到安心。为什么这个数字是魔法数字,它是否随着时间而变化?”
WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. Well, it isn’t the magic number, and there is no magic number.
I would get very worried about somebody that walked in every morning and told us precisely how many dollars of cash we needed to be, you know, secured at three sigma or something like that.
Charlie and I have had a lot of — we saw a lot of problems develop in an organization that expressed their risks in sigma, and we even argued sometimes with the appropriateness of how they calculated their risk.
CHARLIE MUNGER: It was truly horrible.
WARREN BUFFETT: And they were a lot smarter than we were. (Laughs) That’s what’s depressing.
But we both have the same bend of mind whereby we think about worst cases all the time, and then we add on a big margin of safety, and we don’t want to go back to go.
I mean, I enjoy tossing those papers in the other room, but I don’t want to do it for a living again.
So we undoubtedly build in layers of safety that others might regard as foolish, but we’ve got 600,000 shareholders and we’ve got members of my family that have 80 or 90 percent of their net worth in the company.
所以我们无疑建立了其他人可能认为愚蠢的安全层,但我们有 60 万股东,还有我的家族成员将 80%或 90%的净资产投入到公司中。
And I’m just not interested in explaining to them that we went broke because there was a one-hundredth of 1 percent chance that we would go broke and there was a — the remaining probability was filled by the chance of doubling our money, and I decided that that was just a good gamble to take.
We’re not going to do that. It doesn’t mean that much. We are never going to risk what we have and need for what we don’t have and don’t need. We’ll still find things to do where we can make money, but we don’t have to stretch to do it.
And it’s my job — and Charlie thinks the same way. We don’t have to talk about it much.
But it’s our job to figure out what can really go wrong with this place and, you know, we’ve seen September 11th, and we’ve seen September of 2008, and we’ll see other things of a different nature but similar impact in the future.
但我们的工作是弄清楚这个地方可能出现的真正问题。你知道,我们见过 911 事件,也见过 2008 年 9 月的情况,未来我们还会看到其他性质不同但影响相似的事件。
And we not only want to sleep well all those nights, we want to be thinking about things to do with some excess money we might have around.
So it is — if you’re calibrating it in some mathematical way, I would say it’s really dangerous. I could give you a couple examples on that, but unfortunately I’ve learned about them on a confidential basis.
But some really great organizations have had dozens of people with advanced mathematical training and make — and thinking about it daily, making computations, and they don’t really — they don’t really get at the problem.
So it’s at the top of the mind, always, around Berkshire, and your returns in 99 years out of 100 will probably be penalized by us being excessively conservative, and one year out of a hundred, we’ll survive when some other people won’t.
所以这始终是伯克希尔最重要的事情,99%的年份里,你的回报可能会因为我们过于保守而受到惩罚,而在 100 年中,有一年我们会生存下来,而其他一些人则不会。
Charlie? 查理?
CHARLIE MUNGER: Yeah, how do these super-smart people with all these degrees in higher mathematics end up doing these dumb things?
I think it’s explainable by the old proverb that, “To a man with a hammer, every problem looks pretty much like a nail.” They’ve learned these techniques and they just twist the problem so they fit the solution, which is not the way to do it.
WARREN BUFFETT: And they have a lack of understanding of history, I would say.
One of the things — in 1962, when I set up our office in Kiewit Plaza, where we still are, it’s a different floor, I put seven items on the wall. Our art budget was $7, and I went down to the library, and for a dollar each I made photo copies of the pages from financial history.
And one of those cases, for example, was in May of 1901 when the Northern Pacific Corner occurred, and it’s kind of interesting in terms of being in Omaha because Harriman was trying to get control of the Northern Pacific, and James J. Hill was trying to control the Northern Pacific.
And unbeknownst to each other, they both bought more than 50 percent of the stock. Now, when two people buy more than 50 percent of the stock each, and they both really want it, they’re not just going to resell it. You know, interesting things happen.
CHARLIE MUNGER: To the shorts.
WARREN BUFFETT: And in that paper of May 1901, the whole rest of the market was totally collapsing because Northern Pacific went from $170 a share to $1000 a share in one day, trading for cash, because the shorts needed it.
And there was a little item at the top of that paper, which we still have at the office, where a brewer in Troy, New York, committed suicide by diving into a vat of hot beer because he’d gotten a margin call.
And to me, the lesson — that fellow probably understood sigmas and everything and knew how impossible it was that in one day a stock could go from 170 to 1,000 to cause margin calls on everything else.
对我来说,这个教训——那家伙可能理解了西格玛和一切,并知道在一天之内,一只股票从 170 涨到 1,000 是不可能的,这会导致其他所有股票的保证金追缴。
And he ended up in a vat of hot beer, and I’ve never wanted to end up in a vat of hot beer. (Laughter)
So those seven days that I put up on the wall — life in financial markets has got no relation to sigmas.
I mean, if everybody that operated in financial markets had never had any concept of standard errors and so on, they would be a lot better off.
Don’t you think so, Charlie?
CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, sure. (Laughter)
WARREN BUFFETT: Here, have some fudge. (Laughs)
CHARLIE MUNGER: It’s created a lot of false confidence and — now, it has gone away.
Again, as I said earlier, the business schools have improved. So has risk control on Wall Street. They now have taken the Gaussian curve and they’ve just changed its shape.
WARREN BUFFETT: Threw it away.
CHARLIE MUNGER: They threw it away. Well, they just made a different shape than Gauss did, and it’s a better curve now, even though it’s less precise.
WARREN BUFFETT: They talk about fat tails, but they still don’t know how fat to make them. They have no idea.
CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, but they knew — they’ve learned through painful experience they weren’t fat enough.
WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. They learned the other was wrong, but they don’t know what’s right.
CHARLIE MUNGER: We always knew there were fat tails. Warren and I, in the Salomon meetings, would look over at one another and roll our eyes when the risk control people were talking.
67. Learning from the follies of others
沃伦·巴菲特:好的。站点 3。
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hi. My name is Jeff Chen (PH). I’m from San Francisco. I’m 26, and I run a software start-up out there.
观众成员:嗨,我叫杰夫·陈(音)。我来自旧金山。我 26 岁,正在那里经营一家软件初创公司。
My question is about mistake minimization. I found that I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my business, looking back, and I want to know besides thinking harder and learning from your own mistakes, what are the most effective techniques you’ve used to minimize the mistakes?
WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. Well, I — we made mistakes; we’ll make more mistakes.
We do — we think not so much — we think in terms of not exposing ourselves to any mistakes that could really hurt our ability to play tomorrow.
And so we are always thinking about, you know, worst-case situations and there are — on the other hand, we have a natural instinct to do things big, both of us.
So we have to think about whether we’re doing anything really big that could have really terrible consequences.
And, I would say this, that A) I don’t worry much about mistakes, I mean, the idea of learning from mistakes. The next mistake is something different. So I do not sit around and think about my mistakes and things I’m going to do differently in the future or anything of the sort.
我想说的是,A) 我不太担心错误,我的意思是学习错误的想法。下一个错误是不同的事情。所以我不会坐在那里想我的错误和未来我将要做的不同的事情或类似的事。
I would say that the — you may get some advantage — I think I’ve learned something over the years. I haven’t learned more about a basic investment philosophy. I got that when I was 19 and I still —
I think I’ve learned more about people over the years. And I’ll make mistakes with people. You know, that’s inevitable. But, I think I’ll make more good judgments about people. I’ll recognize the extraordinary ones better than I would have 40 or 50 years ago.
我觉得这些年来我对人们的了解更多了。我会在与人交往中犯错误。你知道,这是不可避免的。但是,我认为我会对人做出更好的判断。我会比 40 或 50 年前更好地识别出那些非凡的人。
So I think that improves, but I don’t think it improves by certainly any conscious sitting around and focusing on what mistake did I make with that person or this person. I just don’t operate that way.
Charlie? 查理?
CHARLIE MUNGER: Warren, I would argue that what you’ve done, and what I’ve done to a lesser extent, is to learn a lot from other people’s mistakes. That is really a much more pleasant way to learn hard lessons. (Laughter)
And we have really worked at that over the years, partly because we find it so interesting, the great variety of human mistakes and their causes. And I think this constant study of other people’s disasters and other people’s errors has helped us enormously, don’t you, Warren?
WARREN BUFFETT: Oh yeah, well that’s true. In terms of reading of financial history and all that sort of thing, I’ve always been absolutely absorbed with reading about disasters. (Laughs)
And there’s no question. I mean, when you look at the folly of humans — you know, I’ve focused on the folly in the financial area — there’s all kinds of folly elsewhere — but just the financial area will give you plenty of material if you like to be a follower of folly.
And I do think that understanding — and that’s what gave us some advantage over these people that have IQs of 180, you know, and can do things with math that we couldn’t do.
我确实认为理解力——这就是我们相对于那些智商 180 的人所拥有的一些优势,他们能够做我们做不到的数学题。
They just — they really just didn’t have an understanding of how human beings behave and what happens. 2008 was a good example of that, too.
So we’ve — we have been a student of other people’s folly, and its served us well.