


1、《2019-05-04 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting》

64. Expand you circle of competence if you can, but don’t force it


WARREN BUFFETT: OK. Station 8. (Laughter)
沃伦·巴菲特:好的。第 8 站。(笑声)

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hi, Warren. Hi, Charlie. My name is Jacob (PH). I’m a shareholder from China and also a proud graduate of Columbia Business School. Thanks for having us here. (Cheers)

My question is, our world is changing at a faster pace today versus 40 years ago and even more so going forward. And in this context, for each of us individually, should we expand our circle of competence continuously over time? Or should we stick with the existing circle but risk having a shrinking investment universe? Thank you.
我的问题是,今天我们的世界变化的速度比 40 年前快得多,未来的变化甚至更大。在这种情况下,对于我们每个人来说,是否应该随着时间的推移不断扩大我们的能力圈?还是应该坚持现有的能力圈,但冒着投资范围缩小的风险?谢谢。

WARREN BUFFETT: Well, obviously you should, under any conditions, you should expand your circle of competence —


WARREN BUFFETT: If you can. Yeah. (Laughter)

And I’ve expanded mine a little bit over time. But —

CHARLIE MUNGER: If you can’t — I’d be pretty cautious.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. You can’t force it. You know. If you told me that I had to, you know, become an expert on physics or, you know —

CHARLIE MUNGER: Dance maybe the lead in a ballet, Warren. That would be a sight. (Laughter)

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, well. That’s one I hadn’t really —

CHARLIE MUNGER: (Inaudible) now.

WARREN BUFFETT: That’s one you may be thinking about, but I— (laughter) — it hadn’t even occurred to me. (Laughter)

But, you know, it’s ridiculous. That doesn’t mean you can’t expand it at all. I mean, I did learn about some things as I’ve gone along in a few businesses.

In some cases, I’ve learned that I’m incompetent, which is actually a plus, then you’ve discarded that one.

But it doesn’t really — the world is going to change. And it’s going to keep changing. It’s changing every day. And that makes it interesting. You know.

And as it changes, certainly within what you think is your present existing circle, you have to — you should be the master of figuring that one out or it really isn’t your circle of competence.

And if you get a chance to expand it somewhat as you go along —

I’ve learned some about the energy business from Walter (Scott) and Greg (Abel) as we’ve worked together, but I’m not close to their level of competence on it. But I do know more than I used to know. And so, you get a chance to expand it a bit.

Usually, I would think normally your core competence is probably something that sort of fits the way the mind has worked.

Some people have what I call a “money mind.” And they will work well in certain types of money situations.

It isn’t so much a question of IQ. The mind is a very strange thing. And people have specialties, whether in chess or bridge. I see it in different people that can do impossible — what seem to me — impossible things. And they’re really kind of, as Charlie would say, stupid in other areas — (laughs) — you know.

So just keep working on it. But don’t think you have to increase it and therefore start bending the rules. Anything further, Charlie?

CHARLIE MUNGER: No. 查理·芒格:不。

2、《2018-05-05 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting》

None of that counts at all, really, in a lifetime of investing. What counts is having a philosophy that you’ve — that you stick with, that you understand why you’re in it, and then you forget about doing things that you don’t know how to do.

55. Investing “doesn’t require advanced learning”



AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hi, I’m Brady Ritchie (PH) from St. Louis, Missouri. Shareholder since 1996.
观众成员:嗨,我是来自密苏里州圣路易斯的布雷迪·里奇(音)。自 1996 年以来的股东。


AUDIENCE MEMBER: Warren, you and Charlie have been critical of business schools in the past and what they teach. With respect to value investing, in “Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville,” you featured the returns of many great investors with different backgrounds’ work in education, with the lesson being, “Following the philosophy is the key.”

To be successful today, does it still just fall back to chapter eight of “The Intelligent Investor?” And what do you think of programs and designations such as CFA, CFP, et cetera, which purport high standards yet root it heavily into academia? And I’d like to challenge you to a round of bridge tomorrow. (Laughter)
要在今天取得成功,是否仍然只依赖《聪明的投资者》第八章?你对像 CFA、CFP 等声称高标准但又深深扎根于学术界的项目和资格认证有什么看法?我想挑战你明天打一局桥牌。(笑声)

WARREN BUFFETT: And what was the last part?

CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, he was talk — what do we think about —

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, business schools and all that.

CHARLIE MUNGER: — business schools and all that.
查理·芒格:—— 商学院和那些。

WARREN BUFFETT: I didn’t catch the last —

CHARLIE MUNGER: They’re better —

WARREN BUFFETT: Oh, he’s challenged me to a round of bridge. OK. The — (Laughter)

I went to three business schools, and at each I found a teacher or two. I went to one specifically to get a given teacher. But at each one of them I found a teacher or two that I really got a lot out of. The — so we’re not anti-business school here at all.

We do think that the priesthood, say, 30 years ago, for example, in terms of — or 40 years ago — in terms of efficient market theory and everything. They strayed pretty far, in our view, from the reality of investing. And I would rather have a person — if I could hire somebody among the top five graduates of number one, two or three of the business schools, and my choice was somebody that had — was bright — but had chapter eight of “The Intelligent Investor” absolutely — it just was natural to them — they had it in their bones, basically — I’d take the person from chapter eight.
我们确实认为,30 年前,比如说,或者 40 年前,关于有效市场理论等方面的神职人员,偏离了我们认为的投资现实。我宁愿雇佣一个人——如果我可以在排名第一、第二或第三的商学院中选择五名优秀毕业生中的一位,而我的选择是一个聪明的人——但他对《聪明的投资者》第八章的理解非常自然——这对他们来说就像是与生俱来的——我会选择那个对第八章了如指掌的人。

This is not — what we do is not a complicated business. It’s got to be a disciplined business, but it is — it does not require a super IQ or anything of the sort. And there are a few fundamentals that are incredibly important, and you do have to understand accounting. And it helps to get out and talk to consumers and start thinking like a consumer in many ways in certain — and all of that.

But it just doesn’t require advanced learning. And — I — I certainly — you know, I didn’t want to go to college, so I don’t know whether I would have done better or worse if I’d just quit after high school, you know, and read the books I read and all of that.

I think that if you run into a few great teachers, and they really change the way you see the world to some degree, you know, you’re lucky. And you can find them in — you can find them in academia and you can find them in ordinary life.

And I’ve been extraordinarily lucky in having great teachers, including Charlie. I mean, Charlie’s been a wonderful teacher. And, you know —

Anyplace you can find somebody that gives you insights into things you didn’t understand before, maybe makes you a better person than you would have been before, you know, you get — that’s very lucky, and you want to make the most of it. If you can find it in academia, make the most of it. And if you can find it in the rest of your life, make the most of it.

Charlie? 查理?

CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, when you found Ben Graham he was unconventional, and he was very smart. And of course, that was very attractive to you. And then when you found out it worked and you could make a lot of money while you’re sitting on your ass — (laughter) — of course you were an instant convert. And so —

WARREN BUFFETT: It still appeals to me, actually. I mean — (Laughter)

CHARLIE MUNGER: But the world changed. Before he died, Bill Graham — I mean, Ben Graham — recognized that the exact way he sought undervalued companies wouldn’t necessarily work for all times under all conditions. And that’s certainly the way it worked for us.

We gradually morphed into trying to buy the better companies when they were underpriced, instead of the lousy companies when they were underpriced. And of course, that worked pretty well for us.

And Ben Graham, he outlived the game that he played personally most of the time. He lived to see most of it fade away. I mean, just to find some company that’s selling for one third of its working capital, and figure out it could easily be liquidated and distribute $3 for every dollar of market price. Lots of luck if you can find those in the present market. And if you can find them, they’re so small that Berkshire wouldn’t find them of any use anyway.
本·格雷厄姆活过了他大部分时间所参与的游戏。他活着目睹了大部分的消逝。我的意思是,找到一些以其营运资本三分之一的价格出售的公司,并发现它们可以轻易清算并分配每美元市场价格 3 美元的现金。如果你能在当前市场中找到这些,那真是运气好。而且如果你能找到它们,它们又小得伯克希尔根本不会觉得有任何用处。

So we’ve had to learn a different game. And that’s a lesson for all the young people in the room. If you’re going to live a long time, you have to keep learning.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. 沃伦·巴菲特:是的。

CHARLIE MUNGER: What you formerly knew is never enough. So if you don’t learn to constantly revise your earlier conclusions and get better (inaudible), you are — I always use the same metaphor. You’re like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. (Laughter)

WARREN BUFFETT: If anybody has suggestions for another metaphor, send them to me. (Laughter)

Graham, incidentally, one point, important point. Graham was not scalable. I mean, you could not do with really big money. And when I worked for Graham-Newman Corp, here he was, the dean of all analysts. And you know, he was an intellect above all others around that time.

But our — the investment fund was $6 million, and the partnership that worked in tandem with the investment company also had about $6 million in it. So we had 12 million bucks we were working with. Now, you can make adjustments for inflation and everything. But it was just a tiny amount. It wasn’t really scalable.
但是我们的投资基金是 600 万美元,与投资公司合作的合伙企业也有大约 600 万美元。所以我们总共有 1200 万美元可以使用。现在,你可以考虑通货膨胀和其他因素。但这只是一个微不足道的数额。它实际上并不可扩展。

And the truth is that Graham didn’t care, because he really wasn’t interested in making a lot of money for himself. So he had no reason to want to find something that could go on and on, become larger and larger.

And so the utility of chapter eight, in terms of looking at stocks as a business, is of enormous value. The utility of chapter 20 about a margin of safety is of enormous value. But that’s not complicated stuff.

CHARLIE MUNGER: I finally figured out why the teachers of corporate finance often teach a lot of stuff that’s wrong. When I had some eye troubles very early in life, I consulted a very famous eye doctor. And I realized that his place of business was doing a totally obsolete cataract operation. They were still cutting with a knife after better procedures had been invented.

I said, “Why are you in a great medical school performing absolute obsolete operations?” And he said, “Charlie, it’s such a wonderful operation to teach.” (Laughter)

Well, that’s what happens in corporate finance. They get these formulas, and it’s a fine teaching experience. (Laughter)

You give them a formula, you present the problem, they use the formula. You get a real feeling of worthwhile activity. (Laughter)

There’s only one there. It’s all balderdash.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, whenever you hear a theory described as elegant, watch out, you know. (Laughter)

CHARLIE MUNGER: Right. 查理·芒格:对。

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