I.H.82.Warren Buffett.Quality Decision

I.H.82.Warren Buffett.Quality Decision

1、《1962-01-24 Warren Buffett's Letters to Limited Partners》

The Question of Conservatism 关于保守

The above description of our various areas of operation may provide some clues as to how conservatively our portfolio is invested. Many people some years back thought they were behaving in the most conservative manner by purchasing medium or long-term municipal or government bonds. This policy has produced substantial market depreciation in many cases, and most certainly has failed to maintain or increase real buying power.

Conscious, perhaps overly conscious, of inflation, many people now feel that they are behaving in a conservative manner by buying blue chip securities almost regardless of price-earnings ratios, dividend yields, etc. Without the benefit of hindsight as ill the bond example, I feel this course of action is fraught with danger. There is nothing at all conservative, in my opinion, about speculating as to just how high a multiplier a greedy and capricious public will put on earnings.

You will not be right simply because a large number of people momentarily agree with you. You will not be right simply because important people agree with you. In many quarters the simultaneous occurrence of the two above factors is enough to make a course of action meet the test of conservatism.

You will be right, over the course of many transactions, if your hypotheses are correct, your facts are correct, and your reasoning is correct. True conservatism is only possible through knowledge and reason.

I might add that in no way does the fact that our portfolio is not conventional prove that we are more conservative or less conservative than standard methods of investing. This can only be determined by examining the methods or examining the results.

I feel the most objective test as to just how conservative our manner of investing is arises through evaluation of performance in down markets. Preferably these should involve a substantial decline in the Dow. Our performance in the rather mild declines of 1957 and 1960 would confirm my hypothesis that we invest in an extremely conservative manner. I would welcome any partner’s suggesting objective tests as to conservatism to see how we stack up. We have never suffered a realized loss of more than 1/2 of 1% of total net assets, and our ratio of total dollars of realized gains to total realized losses is something like 100 to 1. Of course; this reflects the fact that on balance we have been operating in an up market. However, there have been many opportunities for loss transactions even in markets such as these (you may have found out about a few of these yourselves) so I think the above facts have some significance.
我认为,要客观评判我们投资的保守程度,就应该看我们在市场下跌时业绩如何,最好是看我们在市场大跌时的表现。1957 年和 1960 年,市场温和下跌,从我们的业绩可以看出来,我说的没错,我们的投资方法确实极为保守。我欢迎任何合伙人提出客观评判保守程度的方法,看一下我们做的如何。我们实现的亏损从来没超过净资产总额的 0.5%,我们实现的收益总额与亏损总额之比约为 100 :1。这表明我们一直处在上行的市场中,但是,在这样的市场里,一样可能出现很多亏钱的交易(你自己就能找到一些例子),所以我觉得这个比例还是能说明一些问题的。

2、《2011-03-23 Ajit Jain.Interview with NDTV》

AM: But does it also act as a constant pressure to outperform because that’s the parameter he’s setting?

AJ: It does and it doesn’t. It does in as much as you always want to live up to the expectations people have for you. It doesn’t because, unlike a lot of executives, he’s very rational about expectations. And, more than rational, I think he’s one of the few executives and bosses that I can think of who does a very good job in terms of distinguishing between outcome and decision-making before the event happened.

The world, the way it works, they look at outcome and you may have made a good decision which ends up in a bad outcome — and everyone comes down on [you] like a ton of bricks. By the same token, on the flip side, you might make a bad decision and end up with a good outcome and you get all of the glory under the sun. Warren does an incredible job in terms of decoupling the two — and measuring and evaluating people and the people who work for him in terms of the quality of the decision that was made before you know the outcome.
In a sense, that makes it very easy to work for a human being who’s rational, who you’re very clear about what is it that’s important, and he sets very clear guidelines in terms of expectations [and] in terms of the ethics and how business should be conducted. And, pretty much, within those very broad boundaries he leaves you to manage the business as you think best.

3、《2012-05-05 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting》


ANDREW ROSS SORKIN: OK, here’s the question:

“Please tell us more about your experience this past year with Todd Combs and Ted Weschler. What did they do well, and did they make any mistakes? And please discuss how you compensate them a bit more.
请告诉我们您过去一年与托德·科姆斯和泰德·韦施勒的经历。 他们做得很好,是否犯过错误? 请多谈谈您是如何补偿他们的。

In an interview, you said that Todd Combs was well compensated for the performance of his stock picks last year.

Should we be worried about a short-term horizon for compensation? How do you ensure that Todd and Ted don’t chase high-flying stocks for the sake of compensation?

WARREN BUFFETT: Well, we’ve always been more concerned about how our record is achieved than the precise record itself. And with both Todd and Ted, Charlie and I were struck by, not only a good record, but intellectual integrity and qualities of character, a real commitment to Berkshire, a lifelong-type commitment.

And we’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of good records in our lifetimes; we haven’t seen very many people we want to have join Berkshire.

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