I.H.34.Warren Buffett.Operating and Investment

I.H.34.Warren Buffett.Operating and Investment


1、《1996-05-06 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting-Morning Session》

It’s always struck me as terribly illogical, the way property-casualty insurance companies are run, because they’ve been dominated by the underwriting side of the business. And here they have this important investment side, but it’s always been — virtually every company’s been subservient to the underwriting.

And GEICO, very logically, set up a co-CEO arrangement some years back where — originally Bill Snyder before that — but Tony Nicely ran the underwriting end of the business and Lou Simpson ran the investment side.
而 GEICO 非常合理地在几年前设立了共同首席执行官的安排——最初是比尔·斯奈德,但托尼·尼克利负责业务的承保部分,而卢·辛普森负责投资方面。

And those are two very different functions. Same person, logically, doesn’t fit both functions in most cases. I mean, it’s a rarity when the same person happens to hit for both functions.

So GEICO worked very well that way. Still works that way. Lou runs investments. Tony runs underwriting.
所以 GEICO 以这种方式运作得非常好。现在仍然如此。Lou 负责投资。Tony 负责承保。

And Berkshire — slightly different — it’s a variant on it. But, essentially, at Berkshire headquarters, you need someone overseeing and not meddling in them too much, but making sure you’ve got the right manager and you’re treating him fairly.

You need someone on the operating side. You need someone on the investment/capital allocation side. We’ve got those people now. And we’ll have them, you know, whenever it happens, too.

That’s the — that is the structure. And we’ve got some very good businesses.

2、《1997-05-05 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting》

69. Aim to increase both operating earnings and investments

沃伦·巴菲特: 第三区。

AUDIENCE MEMBER: My name is Gul Asnani (PH). I’m from Allentown, Pennsylvania.
观众: 我叫古尔·阿斯纳尼(音),来自宾夕法尼亚州的阿伦敦。

I have a question concerning page four of the annual report where you talk about the investments per shares, et cetera.

沃伦·巴菲特: 好的。

AUDIENCE MEMBER: And my question is, how much claim do the operating businesses have on these marketable securities?
观众: 我的问题是,这些经营业务对这些可交易证券的占有权有多大?

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. Well, that table’s a very important table in my view. And we measure our progress, to some extent, by the figures in both columns of that table, one of which shows the investments per share. And the other shows the operating earnings from everything other than investments.
沃伦·巴菲特: 是的。在我看来,那张表格非常重要。我们在一定程度上通过表中两列的数据衡量我们的进展,其中一列显示了每股投资,另一列显示了除投资以外的所有运营收益。

The operating businesses have first claim on anything that relates to their business. I mean, if See’s is going to buy a new plant, which it probably is now — or buy an additional building, I shouldn’t say a new plant — you know, that comes first. The business has grown. It’ll produce some economies and all that. We do that. You know, we try and do it as intelligently as possible. But that comes first. The —

That doesn’t use but a small fraction of the capital. All of those needs don’t use but a small fraction of the capital that Berkshire will generate. The investments reside largely in insurance companies because that’s where largely the liquid funds are.

They have to have capital strength, obviously, because they have huge promises outstanding.

But where they reside does not determine who manages them. Lou Simpson manages GEICO’s portfolio specifically. But in effect, Charlie and I manage everything else.

So where they precisely reside really makes no difference. I mean, they’re sitting someplace. They’re not for the operating management to use in projects that are far afield from what they’re doing.

But if they need money in any operating business, you know, we’ll have a check there that day. FlightSafety, for example, will be a fairly capital-intensive business.

I mean, if our project with Boeing goes as we hope it goes, you know, there will be substantial money in there because there — you know, we will have many more simulators around the world, and we’ll be paying our proportional cost of it.

But they don’t need to keep money around to prepare for that day, which they would if they were a standalone operation. We can — money’s fungible.

We can deploy it all the time. And whenever anybody needs it, we’ll come up with it. But we don’t leave it around awaiting the day when some specific operation needs it.


CHARLIE MUNGER: The odds are very good that the marketable securities will keep going up, even as the businesses expand. That’s the way the game has worked in the past. And we hope it’ll keep going that way.
查理·芒格: 很有可能,即使业务扩展,可交易证券的价值仍会继续增长。这就是过去的运作方式。我们希望它能继续这样下去。

WARREN BUFFETT: What we are doing is trying to increase the numbers in both columns. We don’t have any favoritism for this over that or anything of the sort. But we’re looking, all the time, for things that will do — will help both columns. And we’d be disappointed if five or 10 years from now that they both haven’t increased significantly.
沃伦·巴菲特: 我们正在做的是努力增加表中两列的数字。我们没有偏向其中任何一项,或者类似的倾向。但我们始终在寻找能够同时推动这两列增长的东西。如果五年或十年后,两者都没有显著增加,我们会感到失望。

But which column will increase at the greater rate, we don’t know.

3、《2015-05-02 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting》

39. Unlikely that one person will run both investments and operations

WARREN BUFFETT: OK. Then we’ll move on to Jonathan. (Laughs)

JONATHAN BRANDT: Warren, you have up to this point said that Berkshire in the future will have a chief executive officer and one or more chief investment officers.

You haven’t explicitly said that a chief investment officer cannot be the CEO, but that has, for me at least, been implied.

Berkshire has been successfully managed for 50 years by a chairman and vice chairman whose principal experience was in allocating capital amongst a number of businesses and industries with which they were familiar and whose attributes they could compare.
伯克希尔在过去 50 年里成功地由一位董事长和一位副董事长管理,他们的主要经验是在他们熟悉的多个企业和行业之间分配资本,并能够比较这些企业和行业的特征。

Since capital allocation is the key skill needed for a company structured the way Berkshire is, why couldn’t the company’s principal decision maker in the future also be someone who is experienced in choosing among different reinvestment options, with perhaps a second outstanding person expert in operations acting as chief operating officer, albeit a route of the hands-off one, given Berkshire’s extreme decentralization?

WARREN BUFFETT: That’s a very good question.

It’s not inconceivable. It’s very unlikely, Jonny, that — but as you say, the — a chief investment officer has a — will have — or should have — a significant array of skills that would be useful, also, for a chief executive officer.

But I would say, also, that I would not want to move — if I were voting on it — I would not want to vote to put somebody whose sole experience had been investments in charge of an operation like Berkshire, who had not had any, also, significant operating experience.

I’ve said that I’m a better investment manager because I’ve been an operating manager, and I’m a better operating manager because I’ve been the investment manager.

But the — you — operations — I’ve learned a lot through operations that I wouldn’t have learned if I’d stayed in investments all my life. I would not have been equipped to run it.

I learned a lot of things about operations by being in operations. So if you had somebody that had the dual experience and was very good at investments, but had a lot of experience in operations, that would be conceivable. Otherwise, I wouldn’t vote that way.

Charlie? 查理?

CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, every year at Berkshire, as now constituted, the owned and controlled businesses get more and more important, and the measurable securities are relatively less important.

So, I think it would be crazy not to go with the tide to some extent.

And we need more — we need expertise beyond that of a typical portfolio analyst.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. But the CEO should have some real understanding of investments and investment alternatives and all that.

I’ve seen a lot of businesses run by people that really don’t understand the math of investing or capital allocation very well. So having a dual background is useful, but actually our operating managers know — some of them know — a lot about investing.

4、《2024-05-04 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting》

Warren Buffett: Yeah, I would say that decision actually will be made when I’m not around, and I may try and come back and haunt them if they do it differently. But I’m not sure the Ouija board will get that job done. So that job, I’ll never know the answer on whether it get covered, but I feel very comfortable about the fact that it will be made by a board, that they’ve got loads of brainpower, they’ve got a dedication to an unusual institution, and they will figure things out. But I would say that if I were on that board and were making the decision, I would probably, knowing Greg, I would just leave. I would leave the capital allocation to Greg. And he understands businesses extremely well. And if you understand businesses, you understand common stocks. I mean, if you really know how business works, you are an investment manager. How much you manage, maybe just your own funds or maybe other people. And if you really are primarily interested in getting assets under management, which is where the money is, you know, you don’t really have to understand that sort of thing. But that’s not the case with Ted or Todd, obviously. But I think the responsibility ought to be entirely with Greg.The responsibility has been with me, and I farmed out some of it. And I used to think differently about how that would be handled, but I think the responsibility should be that of the CEO. And whatever that CEO decides may be helpful in effectuating that responsibility. That’s up to him or her to decide at the time they’re running
沃伦·巴菲特:是的,我会说这个决定实际上会在我不在的时候做出,如果他们做得不同,我可能会试着回来纠缠他们。但我不确定灵媒板能否完成这个工作。所以这个问题,我永远不会知道是否会被覆盖,但我对这个决定感到非常放心,因为它将由一个董事会做出,他们拥有丰富的智慧,他们对一个不寻常的机构有着奉献精神,他们会找到解决办法。但我会说,如果我在那个董事会并且在做决定,我可能会,了解格雷格的情况下,我会选择离开。我会把资本配置留给格雷格。他对商业的理解非常透彻。如果你理解商业,你就理解普通股。我的意思是,如果你真的知道商业是如何运作的,你就是一个投资经理。你管理多少,可能只是你自己的资金,或者其他人的资金。如果你真的主要关注的是管理资产,这就是钱所在的地方,你知道,你并不一定需要理解那种事情。但显然,泰德或托德并不是这样的情况。 但我认为责任应该完全在格雷格身上。责任在我身上,我将其中一些工作外包了出去。我曾经对如何处理这件事有不同的看法,但我认为责任应该由首席执行官承担。无论首席执行官决定什么,都可能有助于履行这一责任。这取决于他或她在执掌时的决定。

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