34. Abuse of stock options as executive compensation
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, we’ll talk about comp then, a little.
CHARLIE MUNGER: Yeah, comp, yeah.
WARREN BUFFETT: The — comps — there are three or four aspects to that.
On the subject of options, I would say that most options are constructed poorly, from the standpoint of the owner, but they’re constructed very well from the standpoint of the person who receives them, which is not entirely unexplainable because the — it’s a very strange form of negotiation when the beneficiary is the one that also really does all the design and hires the experts to come in and tell him what is good for the company when the expert knows that the guy who signs the check would be quite interested also in hearing what’s good for him.
There’s nothing wrong with options per se, at all. Frankly, in terms of Berkshire, it would have been perfectly appropriate if a properly designed option had been given to me or to Charlie.
I mean, we have responsibility for the whole enterprise, and we believe that any kind of incentive for performance should be related to the area in which you have responsibility.
We feel that if you want a typist to type 100 words a minute, that you ought to pay for typing 100 words a minute, not what the earnings per share were last year.
我们认为,如果你想让打字员每分钟打 100 个字,那么你应该按每分钟打 100 个字付费,而不是按去年的每股收益付费。

We feel if a salesman gets paid for how many of the product is sold, he should get paid for that and not for some production quotas met.
So we believe in tying incentive comp to performance for which you have responsibility. And there are certain areas of a business that don’t lend themselves to that staff performance and so on.
But that would lead to the corollary, that the people that are responsible for the entire results of the business, it’s perfectly appropriate to compensate them by options that in some way reflect the performance of that entire business.
The trouble is that stock prices reflect other things than the performance of the business.
For one thing, over a period of time, they reflect simply the reinvestment of earnings. You know, I have pointed out in the past that if you gave me an option on your savings account — to manage your savings account — and you reinvested all the interest, I would take away a significant payment at the end of ten years simply because you left the interest in.
With a company that pays no dividend like Berkshire, if you’re going to leave all your capital in every year, for me to get a fixed-price option for ten years would mean that I was getting a royalty on money that you left with me. And I made the choice to have you leave it with me. So that does not strike me as equitable.
So I think any option should have a step-up in price that reflects the fact that money is reinvested by the shareholders annually. That if somebody wants to pay out a hundred percent of the earnings every year, then I’d say that you can have a fixed-price option. If you give me the money every year, and you do more with the money that’s left with you than the original sum, that’s fine.
所以我认为任何期权都应该有一个价格上涨,以反映股东每年将资金再投资的事实。如果有人想每年支付 100% 的收益,那么我会说你可以拥有一个固定价格的期权。如果你每年都把钱给我,而且你用留给你的钱比原来的钱做得更多,那就没问题了。
But if money is left with someone for ten years, there’s going to be some increase in value even if they spend every day golfing. And to give a piece of that away simply over — to have a royalty on the passage of time for them is a mistake.
I think options ought to be granted, basically, at the fair value of the business at the time they’re granted. Sometimes that’s the market price, sometimes it isn’t the market price, but —
Certainly the management of a company would not give an option on their business to some third party at a market price they felt was way too low, so I find it a little disingenuous when managements say that they’re — when they get a takeover bid, they say that the company’s really worth twice that much, but they’re perfectly willing to issue options to themselves at this price which they say is totally inadequate, when the owners get the option elsewhere.
But options, properly structured, for people with responsibility for the business, I think, makes — can make sense. And I think that if something happened to me and to Charlie, in terms of the manager of the business subsequently, if it was structured properly, I would not see anything wrong with an option arrangement.
We carry this philosophy down to our subsidiaries where they generally get incentive arrangements that relate to the operation of their business. But they don’t have incentive arrangements that relate to Berkshire overall, because if Chuck Huggins does a wonderful job at See’s Candy, as he has done, and I fall on my face, in terms of allocating capital, Berkshire stock will go no place despite what Chuck does.
我们将这一理念贯彻到我们的子公司,在那里他们通常会获得与他们业务运营相关的激励安排。但他们没有与伯克希尔整体相关的激励安排,因为如果查克·哈金斯像他所做的那样在 See's Candy 做得很好,而我在资本配置方面一败涂地,那么无论查克做什么,伯克希尔的股票都将无处可去。
And to penalize him, or to tie his rewards to something over which he has no control, I think, is kind of silly. So we tie it instead to the operations of the candy business.
In terms of overall level of compensation, the real sin is having a mediocre manager. I mean, that is what costs owners very significant amounts of money over time.
And if a mediocre manager is paid a relatively small sum, it’s still a great mistake. And if they’re paid huge sums, it’s a travesty. And that happens sometimes.
It’s almost impossible to pay the outstanding manager a sum that’s disproportion to the value of that outstanding manager, when you get a large enterprise.
Coca-Cola had a market value of $4 billion when Roberto Goizueta took over. It had stagnated during the previous decade under an earlier management, despite having the same product and those great Mean Joe Greene commercials you saw, that was — Mean Joe Greene was in the ’70s. The “Teach the World to Sing” commercial was in the ’70s. All these great commercials. But the company didn’t do much.
当罗伯托·戈伊苏埃塔接手时,可口可乐的市值为 40 亿美元。尽管拥有相同的产品和你看到的那些伟大的 Mean Joe Greene 广告,但在之前的十年里,它在前任管理层的领导下停滞不前,那是——Mean Joe Greene 是在 70 年代。“教世界唱歌”广告是在 70 年代。所有这些伟大的广告。但公司并没有做太多。
Roberto — if we’d bought the entire Coca-Cola Company — I wish we had — in 1981 or ’2, whenever he came in, for 4 billion and we now had a business worth 150 billion, Roberto would have earned more money with us than he’s earned under the present arrangement.
罗伯托——如果我们当时以 40 亿美元收购了整个可口可乐公司——我希望我们当时收购了——在 1981 年或 1982 年,无论他是什么时候进来的,而我们现在拥有一家价值 1500 亿美元的企业,罗伯托在我们这里赚的钱会比他在目前的安排下赚的钱更多。
I mean, having the right person in place is just enormously important.
How much they should take is another question. That’s more a philosophical question.
Tom Murphy, best manager, you know, in the world, he just didn’t feel like taking a lot of money out of it, you know. And you know, I tip my hat to him, but I don’t think that necessarily makes it wrong for somebody else to take more money for doing the job. But I think it ought to be related to doing the job.
When I ran a partnership in the 1960s, I took a quarter of the profit over 6 percent a year. And I didn’t get paid any salary, but I could make a lot of money doing that. And that thought occurred to me as I ran the place from day to day, and I think it probably helped a little. (Laughter)
当我在 1960 年代经营一家合伙企业时,我拿走了每年超过 6% 利润的四分之一。而且我没有拿到任何薪水,但我可以通过这样做赚很多钱。当我日复一日地经营这个地方时,我想到了这一点,我认为这可能有一点帮助。(笑声)
So I don’t think it’s a terrible thing to have somebody get paid for making money for the shareholders.
But they ought to get paid for really making it, not simply because the shareholders reinvest money with them. They ought to make it based on the fair value of what they had when they took over, and they ought to make it really for just excellent performance.
CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, we have remarked in previous Berkshire Hathaway meetings that we regard present mandated corporate accounting, with respect to stock options as weak, corrupt, and contemptible. And it is.
WARREN BUFFETT: Otherwise, we’re undecided. (Laughter)
CHARLIE MUNGER: If something is so wonderful as a standard technique of compensation, why does it have to be masked under weak, corrupt, and contemptible accounting? I think it is no credit to our civilization that we’ve drifted into this particular modality.
And you can get, if you overuse stock options, where the whole thing is sort of a chain letter. I mean, in Silicon Valley there’s one company that practically paid everybody in options, and as long as the chain letter galloped, it worked as far as the income account because nothing went through expense.
And then once everybody is issuing stock options, everybody else feels that he has to do it. And the practice spreads.
So I am not totally wild about the extreme prevalence of the stock option modality in American corporate life. Personally, I would vastly prefer different modalities, which would probably involve stock instead of stock options.
I’m all for sharing with the kind of people who are doing the important work pretty well down in the organization in a place like Costco or Coca-Cola or any other such company. But I don’t much like the present scheme that civilization has drifted into.
With respect to the subject of do we have some wretched excesses in American corporate compensation, my answer would be yes. I don’t think the excess is necessarily the guy who got the most money. In many cases I agree with Warren, that the money has been deserved.
But such is the envy effect that the practice spreads to everybody else. And then the taxi driver and everybody starts thinking the system is irrational, unfair, crazy.
And I think that’s what causes some people, as they rise in American corporations, to, at a certain point of power gaining and wealth gaining, they start exercising extreme restraint as a sort of moral duty. And that’s what Warren was saying about Tom Murphy.
And I would argue that the Tom Murphy attitude is the right attitude. And it goes way, way back in the history of civilization. The word “liturgy” comes from a Greek word which is just the same. I mean, if you were an important citizen of Athens, it was a lot like being an important person in Jewish culture.
我认为汤姆·墨菲的态度是正确的态度。它可以追溯到文明的历史。 “liturgy”一词来自一个希腊词,意思是一样的。我的意思是,如果你是雅典的重要公民,那就很像犹太文化中的重要人物。
I mean, you had duties to give back and to act as a certain example. And the civilization had social pressures that enforced those duties. And I would argue that the Berkshire Hathaway compensation system, considering what the people at the top already have, it would be better if we saw a little more of it.
CHARLIE MUNGER: I think Warren and I do all right. (Laughter and applause)
WARREN BUFFETT: A few years — I think an added problem is the sort of, in terms of the accounting, the sort of hypocrisy that it pushes people into, and then which becomes accepted and sort of a norm, particularly when leaders do it.
And you know, you had a situation a few years back when there’s no question that any manager would say that stock options are a form of compensation. They would say that compensation is a form of expense, and they would say that expense belongs in the income account. But they didn’t want to have stock options counted because they felt that it might restrict their use.
So when the federal — the FASB, Financial Accounting Standards Board — came up with a proposal to actually have reality reflected en masse, corporate chieftains descended on Washington to pressure legislators to have Congress start enacting accounting standards, which as I mentioned, one time in Indiana in the 1890s, there was a legislator that introduced a bill to have the value of pi changed to an even 3 because he thought that 3.14159 was too tough for the schoolchildren and it would ease computational problems.
因此,当联邦——FASB,财务会计准则委员会——提出一项真正反映现实的提案时,企业首领们纷纷前往华盛顿向立法者施压,要求国会开始制定会计准则,正如我所提到的,在 19 世纪 90 年代的印第安纳州,有一位立法者提出了一项法案,将 π 的值更改为整数 3,因为他认为 3.14159 对学童来说太难了,这将简化计算问题。
Well, that sort of behavior by corporate chieftains when they are in there, you know, arguing that black is white, in order to feather their own nest and maybe create a little higher stock prices, I think that it means that they forfeit, to some degree, their right to be taken seriously when they claim they’re operating for the good of the Republic, and march on Washington in other regards.
And I just think that when the organization recognizes its hypocrisy and so on, I think there’s a degradation that can set in through an organization that — whose leaders are also leaders in hypocrisy.
Like I say, we have no strong feelings on this subject, but — (Laughter)
Charlie, do you have anything?
CHARLIE MUNGER: It’s rather interesting, though. There’s an earlier example. Commodore Vanderbilt took no salary from his railroads. After all, he controlled the railroads. They paid all the dividends that he needed, and he got the fun of running the whole railroad, and he thought it was beneath Commodore Vanderbilt to take a salary.
We’ve never quite reached the Vanderbilt standard, but — (Laughter)
WARREN BUFFETT: We don’t have any dividends, Charlie.
CHARLIE MUNGER: Yeah, yeah. (Laughs)
Well, maybe that’s the reason. (Laughter)
24. Most companies hide the true cost of stock options
WARREN BUFFETT: OK, if area one is ready, we’re ready to start answering.
沃伦·巴菲特: 好了,如果第一区准备好了,我们可以开始回答问题。
观众提问: 你好。
沃伦·巴菲特: 你好。
AUDIENCE MEMBER: My name is Steve Check. I’m from Costa Mesa, California.
观众提问: 我叫史蒂夫·切克,来自加利福尼亚州的科斯塔梅萨。
My question is regarding stock options. I’ve taken your suggestion and have been attempting to subtract stock option compensation from reported income when evaluating companies. When I read annual reports, I usually find companies estimating option costs using the Black-Scholes model.
However, the assumptions going into the Black-Scholes model seem quite different from company to company. These assumptions, of course, are what is used for risk-free interest rates — quote unquote, “risk-free” interest rates, expected option lives — even though options have stated lives, and expected volatility.
Help me out a little bit. What is the best way to calculate option costs? Do you think Black-Scholes is appropriate? If so, how should we normalize the assumptions?
And just one short follow-up: how can we possibly estimate future earnings for companies, when companies, such as even Microsoft last week, in response to a lower stock price, simply reissue a bunch of new options?
WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, the — I can tell you, from some personal experience, that companies attempt to use the lowest figure they can, even though it doesn’t hit the income account.
沃伦·巴菲特: 嗯,我可以根据一些个人经验告诉你,公司会尽量使用最低的数值,尽管这些数值不会影响收益账户。
So they like to make fairly short assumptions as to the life of the options, even though they’re granted on a ten-year basis. Because they’ll make certain assumptions about exercise date or forfeiture and so on.
I think the most appropriate way, when you’ve got a pattern, which you have at many companies, of what they do on options, is simply to make an educated guess as to the average option issuance that they’re going to incur, or they’re going to elect to do over time.
And, generally, what you really want to — if you were to be precise — you would try to figure out what they could’ve sold those options for in the open market. Because that’s the opportunity cost of giving them to the employees instead of selling the same option in the market.
I think you’ll find, generally, that if you take a value of about a third, for a ten-year option, if you take a value of about a third — obviously, it depends on dividend rate and volatility and a whole bunch of things — but about a third of the market value, strike price, at the time they’re issued, that’s the expectable cost.
We believe in using the expectable cost versus the actual cost. I mean, that is how we would look at it.
If we were issuing options at Berkshire, and we issued options on $100 million worth of stock a year, we would figure it was costing us, probably in our case, with no dividend, at least $35 million a year to issue those options.
And we would figure that if we gave people $35 million in some other form of result-oriented compensation, that it would be a wash. And that is not the way most managements, of course, figure. At least that’s my experience.
And we would figure we could use that 35 million in a more shareholder-oriented way and one where the employee (who) was productive would be sure of getting results, as opposed to having it be at the whims of the market.
And I think you’ll see a lot of option repricing. Everybody says they won’t reprice their options, until they do it. And, you’ll see that with a lot of schemes.
It would be interesting to see whether CONSICO is willing to bankrupt all the executives who made loans to buy the stock and had those loans guaranteed by the company.
有意思的是,看看 CONSICO 是否会让所有通过贷款购买股票并由公司担保的高管破产。
And the company initially said they would enforce those loans. And we’ll see whether they do it. I would say, in many cases, they won’t. I don’t know what CONSICO will do.
公司最初表示他们会执行这些贷款。我们将看看他们是否会这么做。我会说,在很多情况下,他们不会。我不知道 CONSICO 会怎么做。
But, a lot of things that are said in connection with executive option schemes and that sort of thing are what they’ll do if it works in their favor. And then they’ll do something else if it doesn’t work in their favor. And that’s not spelled out in the initial approval that’s granted.
Charlie, you have anything to add?
CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, Warren’s somewhat critical attitude is very understated compared to mine. (Laughter)**
查理·芒格: 嗯,沃伦对这一问题的批评态度比我的要委婉得多。(笑声)
WARREN BUFFETT: We’re going to leave raisins out of this particular — (laughter) — analysis. Let’s go to area 2.
沃伦·巴菲特: 我们在这次分析中就不涉及葡萄干了——(笑声)——让我们转到第二区。
We do believe, incidentally, if a company is going to end up giving out 10 percent of the company over a 10-year period or 15 percent on options, that is like buying an apartment house and letting the seller keep a 10 or 15 percent interest in the upside.
Or it’s like buying an oil field and giving somebody a 10 or 15 percent interest-free override. It changes the value of the property. Make no mistake about it.
It is a — it has a huge economic impact on the value of a property. And just go out and try and sell your house and say, “I want to keep 15 percent of the appreciation in it,” and ask the buyer whether he’s going to pay the same price for the house.
Options subtract value the moment they are granted. And, like I say, unless companies — some companies follow a practice of making a mega-grant every three or four or five years. A lot of them just issue a fairly constant amount annually. And you can figure out the cost.
And, you know, they don’t want to tell the shareholders there’s a cost. And that’s why they fought through Congress and everything else in order to prevent it from being the truth. But, you know, Galileo had that problem many years ago and finally won out. So maybe we will, too. (Laughs)
31. “If the board hires a compensation consultant after I go, I will come back”
ANDREW ROSS SORKIN: Warren. This comes from a shareholder who I think is here, who asked to remain anonymous.
Writes: “Three years ago, you were asked at the meeting about how you thought we should compensate your successor. You said it was a good question, and you would address it in the next annual letter. We’ve been patiently waiting. (Laughter)
“Can you tell us now, at least philosophically, how you’ve been thinking about the way the company should compensate your successor, so we don’t have to worry when the pay consultants arrive on the scene?”
WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. Well, that — unfortunately, at my age I don’t have to worry about things I say — said three years ago, but this guy, obviously much younger, remembers. (Laughter)
沃伦·巴菲特:是的。嗯,这——不幸的是,到了我这个年纪,我不必担心我三年前说过的话——但这个家伙,显然年轻得多,记得。 (笑声)
I’m not — well, I’ll accept his word that I said that. But the — there’s a couple possibilities, actually.
I don’t want to get into details on them, but you may have — and I, actually, would hope that we would have somebody, A) who’s already very rich — which they should be if they’ve been working a long time and have got that kind of ability — that’s very rich, and really is not motivated by whether they have 10 times as much money that they and the families can need or a hundred times as much.
And they might even wish to perhaps set an example by engaging for something far lower than actually what you could say their true market value is. And that could or could not happen, but I think it’d be terrific if it did. But I can’t blame anybody for wanting their market value.
And then — if they didn’t elect to go in that direction, I would say that you — would probably pay them a very modest amount and then have an option which increased in value by — or increased in striking price — annually.
Nobody does this, hardly. The Washington — Graham Holdings has done it, The Washington Post Company did a little bit — but would increase because it’s assuming that there were substantial retained earnings every year.
几乎没有人这样做。华盛顿——Graham Holdings 做过一点——华盛顿邮报公司做过一点——但会因为假设每年有实质性的保留收益而增加。
Because why should somebody retain a bunch of earnings and then claim they’ve actually improved the value, simply because they withheld the money from shareholders?
So it’s very easy to design that, and in private companies people do design it in that way. They just don’t want to do it in public companies, because they get more money the other way.
But they might have a very substantial one that could be exercised, but where the shareholder’s — the shares had to be held for a couple years after retirement, so that they really got the result over time that the majority of the stockholders would be able to get, and not be able to pick their spots, as to when they exercised and sold a lot of stock.
It’s — it would — it’s not hard to design. And it really depends who you’re dealing with, in terms of actually how much they care about money and having money beyond what they can possibly use.
And most people do have an interest in that, and I don’t blame them.
But I don’t know. What do you think, Charlie?
CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, I — one thing I think is that I have avoided, all my life, the compensation consultants. To me it’s a — I hardly can find the words to express my contempt. (Laughter)
WARREN BUFFETT: I will say this. If the board hires a compensation consultant after I go, I will come back. (Laughter)
So I think there’s a lot of mumbo jumbo in this field, and I don’t see it going away.
WARREN BUFFETT: Oh, it isn’t going to go away. No, it’s going to get worse. It — I mean, the — if you look at, I mean, the way compensation gets handled, I mean, it — you know, everybody looks at everybody else’s proxy statement and says, “We can’t possibly hire a guy that hasn’t been — ”
CHARLIE MUNGER: It’s ridiculous.
WARREN BUFFETT: —so on. And the human relations department, you know, who work for the CEO, come in and suggest a consultant.
沃伦·巴菲特:——等等。人力资源部门,你知道,负责 CEO 的,进来建议一个顾问。
What consultant is ever going to get another assignment if he says, “You should pay your CEO below the — down in the fourth quartile because you’re getting a fourth quartile result?” It —
什么顾问会在说“你们应该把 CEO 的薪水定在第四分位以下,因为你们的结果也在第四分位”之后再得到另一个任务呢?这——
I mean, it just, you know — it isn’t that the people are evil or anything. It’s just the nature of the situation just — it produces a result that is not consistent with how representatives of the owners should behave.
CHARLIE MUNGER: It’s even worse than that. Capitalism is the golden goose that we all live on. And if people generally get so they have contempt for it because they don’t like the pay arrangements in the system, your capitalism may not last as well. And that’s like killing the golden goose.
So I think the existing system has a lot wrong with it.
WARREN BUFFETT: I think there is something coming in pretty soon — I may be wrong about this — where companies are going to have to put in their proxy statement the CEO’s pay to the average pay, or something like that. That isn’t going to change anything. I mean —
CHARLIE MUNGER: It won’t change a thing.
WARREN BUFFETT: It won’t change a thing. And, you know, it’ll cost us virtually —
CHARLIE MUNGER: By the way, it won’t get any headlines, either. It’ll be tucked away.
WARREN BUFFETT: It’ll cost us a lot of money, with 367,000 people employed around the world. And, I mean, we’ll hope to get something that makes it somewhat simpler so we can use estimates or something of the sort.
沃伦·巴菲特:这将花费我们很多钱,我们在全球有 367,000 名员工。我意思是,我们希望得到一些使其更简单的东西,以便我们可以使用估算值或类似的东西。
But to get the median income or mean income or whatever, however the rules may read, you know, and —
CHARLIE MUNGER: That’s what consultants are for, Warren. (Laughter)
WARREN BUFFETT: It — it’s, you know, it is human nature that produces this. And, you know, the most —I write in this letter to the managers every two years, I said, “The only excuse I won’t take on something is that everybody else is doing it.”
But of course, “everybody else is doing it,” is exactly the rationale for why people did not want to count the costs of stock options as a cost — I mean, it was ridiculous.
All these CEOs went to Washington and they got the Senate, I think, to vote 88 to 9 to say that stock options aren’t a cost. And then a few years later, you know, it became so obvious that they finally put it in so it was a cost. You know, it reminded me of Galileo or something, I mean, all these guys.
所有这些首席执行官都去了华盛顿,我认为他们让参议院以 88 票对 9 票投票,认为股票期权不是成本。然后几年后,你知道,这变得如此明显,以至于他们最终将其列为成本。你知道,这让我想起了伽利略之类的事情,我的意思是,所有这些人。
CHARLIE MUNGER: Worse. It was way worse. The pope behaved better to Galileo in the —and he was —
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, anyway, it’s — it — I would hope, you know, like I say, somebody — well — and it doesn’t even have to be, I’m not talking about the current successor or anybody else.
I mean, successors down the line are probably going to have gotten very wealthy by the time they’re running Berkshire. And the incremental value of wealth gets very close to zero at some point. And there is a chance to use it as a different sort of model.
But I don’t have any problem, if it’s — a system is devised that recognizes retained earnings. Nobody wanted — I’ve never heard anybody talk about it, you know, in the 20 boards I’ve been on.
但我没有任何问题,如果有一个系统能够识别留存收益。没有人想过——我从未听到过有人谈论这个,在我参与的 20 个董事会中。
You know, if you and I were partners in a business, you know, and we kept retaining earnings in the business and I kept having the value to buy a portion of you out at a constant price, you’d say, “This is idiocy.”
But of course that’s the way all option systems are designed, and it’s better to be — for the CEO and for the consultants. And of course, usually if there’s — there’s some correlation between what CEOs are paid and what boards are paid.
If CEOs were getting paid at the rate that they got paid 50 years ago, adapted to present dollars, director pay would be lower. So it’s — you know, it’s got all these built-in things that, to some extent, sort of kindle the —
如果首席执行官的薪酬按照 50 年前的水平支付,经过调整后以现在的美元计算,董事的薪酬会更低。因此,这里面有很多内在因素,在某种程度上激发了——
CHARLIE MUNGER: No Berkshire director is in it for the money.
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, they are if they own a lot of stock. And they bought it in the market just like the —
CHARLIE MUNGER: Yeah, it’s —
WARREN BUFFETT: — shareholder did.
CHARLIE MUNGER: It’s a very old-fashioned system.
WARREN BUFFETT: I looked at one company the other day, and seven of the directors had never bought a share of stock with their own money. Now they’d been given stock, but not one of them — I mean, I shouldn’t say not one — seven of the directors had never actually bought a share of stock.
And there they are, you know, making decisions on who should be CEO and how they should be paid and all that sort of thing. But, you know, they never felt like shelling out a dollar themselves. Now they’d been given a lot of stock.
And it’s, you know, we’re dealing with human nature here, folks. (Laughs) And that — what you want is to have a system that works well in spite of how human nature’s going to drive it.
And we’ve done awfully well in this country in that respect. I mean, American business has — overall has done very well for the Americans generally. But not every aspect of it is exactly what you want to teach your kids.