I.H.83.Warren Buffett.A Word About Par and Feedback Mechanism

I.H.83.Warren Buffett.A Word About Par and Feedback Mechanism

1、《1962-01-24 Warren Buffett's Letters to Limited Partners》

A Word About Par 关于衡量标准

The outstanding item of importance in my selection of partners, as well as in my subsequent relations with them, has been the determination that we use the same yardstick. If my performance is poor, I expect partners to withdraw, and indeed, I should look for a new source of investment for my own funds. If performance is good, I am assured of doing splendidly, a state of affairs to which I am sure I can adjust.

The rub, then, is in being sure that we all have the same ideas of what is good and what is poor. I believe in establishing yardsticks prior to the act; retrospectively, almost anything can be made to look good in relation to something or other.

I have continuously used the Dow-Jones Industrial Average as our measure of par. It is my feeling that three years is a very minimal test of performance, and the best test consists of a period at least that long where the terminal level of the Dow is reasonably close to the initial level.

While the Dow is not perfect (nor is anything else) as a measure of performance, it has the advantage of being widely known, has a long period of continuity, and reflects with reasonable accuracy the experience of investors generally with the market. I have no objection to any other method of measurement of general market performance being used, such as other stock market averages, leading diversified mutual stock funds, bank common trust funds, etc.

You may feel I have established an unduly short yardstick in that it perhaps appears quite simple to do better than an unmanaged index of 30 leading common stocks. Actually, this index has generally proven to be a reasonably tough competitor. Arthur Wiesenberger’s classic book on investment companies lists performance for the 15 years 1946-60, for all leading mutual funds. There is presently over $20 billion invested in mutual funds, so the experience of these funds represents, collectively, the experience of many million investors. My own belief, though the figures are not obtainable, is that portfolios of most leading investment counsel organizations and bank trust departments have achieved results similar to these mutual funds.
你可能认为,道指不就是无人管理的 30 只蓝筹股吗,跑赢道指应该很容易,我选的参照标准是不是太低了。道指其实是很难战胜的。亚瑟·威辛保 (Arthur Wiesenberger) 写过一本很有名的书,是关于基金公司的,其中列出了所有大型基金从 1946 到 1960 这 15 年里的业绩。目前,美国基金掌管的资产规模是 200 亿美元,基金的整体表现可以反映几千万投资者的收益率。我没有相关数据,但我认为大多数投资咨询机构和银行信托的收益率和这些基金不相上下。

Wiesenberger lists 70 funds in his “Charts & Statistics” with continuous records since 1946. I have excluded 32 of these funds for various reasons since they were balanced funds (therefore not participating fully in the general market rise), specialized industry funds, etc. Of the 32 excluded because I felt a comparison would not be fair, 31 did poorer than the Dow, so they were certainly not excluded to slant the conclusions below.
在《Charts & Statistics》中,威辛保统计了 1946 年以来有持续业绩记录的 70 只基金。我把其中 32 只基金剔除了,它们有些是平衡型基金(因此没充分参与股市上涨),有些是专门投资某个行业的基金。我觉得用这 32 只基金进行比较不合适。这 32 只基金里,有 31 只跑输道指,排除它们不会影响我们得出的结论。

Of the remaining 38 mutual funds whose method of operation I felt was such as to make a comparison with the Dow reasonable, 32 did poorer than the Dow, and 6 did better. The 6 doing better at the end of 1960 had assets of about $1 billion, and the 32 doing poorer had assets of about $6-1/2 billion. None of the six that were superior beat the Dow by more than a few percentage points a year.
剩下的 38 只基金与道指更有可比性,其中 32 只跑输道指,6 只跑赢。1960 年末,跑赢道指的 6 只基金资产规模约为 10 亿美元,跑输的 32 只基金资产规模约为 65 亿美元。跑赢的这 6 只基金,每年领先幅度也不到几个百分点。

Below I present the year-by-year results for our period of operation (excluding 1961 for which I don't have exact data, although rough figures indicate no variance from the 1957-60 figures) for the two largest common stock open-end investment companies (mutual funds) and the two largest closed-end investment companies:
以下是我们这几年的业绩与最大的两只开放式股票基金与最大的两只封闭基金的对比情况(没有 1961 年的对比,因为我没有这年的准确数据,粗略估算应该和 1957-60 差不多):

(From Moody’s Banks & Finance Manual, 1961)
(来源:Moody’s Banks & Finance Manual, 1961)


Massachusetts Investors Trust has net assets of about $1.8 billion; Investors Stock Fund about $1 billion; Tri-Continental Corporation about $ .5 billion; and Lehman Corporation about $350 million; or a total of over $3.5 billion.
Massachusetts Investors Trust 的净资产有 18 亿美元左右;Investors Stock Fund 约有 10 亿美元;Tri -Continental Corporation 约 5 亿美元;Lehman Corporation 约 3.5 亿美元。它们的净资产总和是 35 亿美元以上。
I do not present the above tabulations and information with the idea of indicting investment companies. My own record of investing such huge sums of money, with restrictions on the degree of activity I might take in companies where we had investments, would be no better, if as good. I present this data to indicate the Dow as an investment competitor is no pushover, and the great bulk of investment funds in the country are going to have difficulty in bettering, or perhaps even matching, its performance.

Our portfolio is very different from that of the Dow. Our method of operation is substantially different from that of mutual funds.

However, most partners, as all alternative to their investment in the partnership, would probably have their funds invested in a media producing results comparable to the Dow, therefore, I feel it is a fair test of performance.

2、《1964-07-08 Warren Buffett's Letters to Limited Partners》

I would like to emphasize that I am not saying that the Dow is the only way of measuring investment performance in common stocks. However, I do say that all investment managements (including self- management) should be subjected to objective tests, and that the standards should be selected a priori rather than conveniently chosen retrospectively.

The management of money is big business. Investment managers place great stress on evaluating company managements in the auto industry, steel industry, chemical industry, etc. These evaluations take enormous amounts of work, are usually delivered with great solemnity, and are devoted to finding out which companies are well managed and which companies have management weaknesses. After devoting strenuous efforts to objectively measuring the managements of portfolio companies, it seems strange indeed that similar examination is not applied to the portfolio managers themselves. We feel it is essential that investors and investment managements establish standards of performance and, regularly and objectively, study their own results just as carefully as they study their investments.

We will regularly follow this policy wherever it may lead. It is perhaps too obvious to say that our policy of measuring performance in no way guarantees good results--it merely guarantees objective evaluation. I want to stress the points mentioned in the "Ground Rules" regarding application of the standard--namely that it should be applied on at least a three-year basis because of the nature of our operation and also that during a speculative boom we may lag the field. However, one thing I can promise you. We started out with a 36-inch yardstick and we'll keep it that way. If we don't measure up, we won't change yardsticks. In my opinion, the entire field of investment management, involving hundreds of billions of dollars, would be more satisfactorily conducted if everyone had a good yardstick for measurement of ability and sensibly applied it. This is regularly done by most people in the conduct of their own business when evaluating markets, people, machines, methods, etc., and money management is the largest business in the world.
我们就这么做,不管评估结果如何。不用我说,大家也知道,我们有确定的业绩衡量标准,只能保证我们能做到客观评估,绝对不等于我们就能取得良好的业绩。提到衡量业绩,我们再回顾一下“基本原则”(Ground Rules) 是怎么说的。基本原则中说,鉴于我们的投资方式,衡量我们的表现,至少要看三年,而且投机气氛浓厚时,我们很可能落后。有一点,我可以向各位保证。既然我们已经把标准定在了 90 厘米,标准就始终是 90 厘米。我们不会因为达不到标准而修改标准。依我之见,在规模高达几千亿的资管行业中,如果人人都确立合理的标准来衡量能力,并有意识地付诸实践,这个行业会更健康地发展。在日常商业活动中,无论是评估市场、人员、机器,还是流程,人们普遍遵循既定标准,资管可是世界上规模最大的商业行业。

3、《2002-05-04 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting》

30. Staying rational and avoiding confirmation bias


We have a break in about five minutes. In fact, we’ll do this question and then we’ll break.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: OK. My name’s Paul Tomasik from Illinois.

I’d like to talk about your thinking, if you don’t mind.

In the “Fortune” magazine article that you sent to all the shareholders, you referenced a practice by Darwin that when he found something that was contrary to his established conclusions, he quickly wrote it down because the mind would’ve pushed it out.

And if you read “The Origin of Species,” Darwin’s very careful to avoid fooling himself. He very carefully asks and answers the hard questions.

It’s a feedback mechanism, and you’ve picked up on one of his feedback mechanisms to avoid fooling yourself.

So the two questions are this:

If you look — model — how you think, Charlie thinks, how physicists think, how mathematicians think, you see the same pattern.

You want to use logic. You’re dedicated to logic. But logic’s not enough. You have to avoid fooling yourself, so you build feedback mechanisms.

So the first question is, do you see it that way? That you’re thinking just like mathematicians, physicists, and some of the other exceptional businessmen, by being logical and being careful to have feedback mechanisms?

And the second question is about other feedback mechanisms.

Your partnership — sitting next to you is a great feedback mechanism. Hard to fool yourself when you partner with Charlie Munger.


AUDIENCE MEMBER: This meeting’s a feedback —

WARREN BUFFETT: Hard to fool him, too. (Laughter)

AUDIENCE MEMBER: But that’s not an accident.

The meeting is one level of feedback mechanism, the way you attack the annual report letter is a feedback mechanism.

So you could comment, both of you, on other feedback mechanisms you developed? Thank you.

WARREN BUFFETT: Well, you’ve come up with two very good ones. I mean, there’s no question that Charlie will not accept anything I say because I say it, whereas a lot of other people will.

You know, I mean, it’s just the way the world works.

And it’s terrific to have a partner who will say, you know, you’re not thinking straight.

CHARLIE MUNGER: It doesn’t happen very often.

WARREN BUFFETT: There’s no question, the human mind — what the human being is best at doing is interpreting all new information so that their prior conclusions remain intact. I mean, that is a talent everyone seems to have mastered.

And how do we guard ourselves against it? Well, we don’t achieve it perfectly.

I mean, Charlie and I have made big mistakes because, in effect, we have been unwilling to look afresh at something.

You know, that happens.

But we do have — I think the annual report is a good feedback mechanism. I think that reporting on yourself, and giving the report honestly, whether you do it through an annual report or do it through some other mechanism, is very useful.

But there — I would say a partner, who is not subservient, and who himself is extremely logical, you know, is probably the best mechanism you can have.

I would say that on the contrary, to get back to looking things you have to be sure you don’t fall into, I would say the typical corporate organization is designed so that the CEO opinions and biases and previous beliefs are reinforced in every possible way.

I mean, having staff surround you that know what you want to do, you are not going to get a lot of — you’re not going to get a lot of contrary thinking.

I mean, most staffs, if they know you want to buy a company, you’re going to get a recommendation.

Whatever your hurdle rate, if it’s 15 percent internal rate of return, which very few deals ever work out at, you know, or 12 or — they’re going to come back, and they’re going to come back with whatever they feel that you want.

And if you arrange your organization so that you basically have a bunch of, you know, sycophants who are cloaked in other, you know, titles, you’re not going to get — you are going to leave your prior conclusions intact, and you’re going to get whatever you go in with your biases wanting.

And the board is not going to be much of a check on that. I’ve seen very, very few boards that can stand up to the CEO on something that’s important to the CEO and just say, you know, “You’re not going to get it.”

You’ve hit on a terribly important point. All of us in this room want to read new information and have it confirm our cherished beliefs. I mean, it is just built into the human system.

And that can be very expensive in the investment and business world.

And, like I say, I think we’ve got a pretty good system. And I think that most of the systems aren’t very good, that exist in corporate America, to avoid falling into the trap you’re talking about.

4、《2013-05-04 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting》

DOUG KASS: Thank you, Warren.
DOUG KASS: 谢谢你,沃伦。

Mae West once said, “The score never interested me, only the game.”

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. I think, actually, you have to love something to do well at it. There may be exceptions on that, but it is an enormous, enormous advantage if you absolutely love what you’re doing, every minute of it.

And the nature of it is that that intensity adds to your productivity.

And I have every bit of the intensity — not manifested exactly the same way — but it’s there every minute. I mean, I love thinking about Berkshire. I love thinking about its investments. I love thinking about its businesses. I love thinking about its managers. It’s part of me.

And it is true, you can’t separate the game from the scorecard. I mean, you — so your score card is part of playing the game and loving the game.

The proceeds are — you know, to me — are unimportant, but the proceeds are part of the score card, so they come with a score card.

But it’s much more important — I mean, I would — no question about it, I wouldn’t be — feel — the same way about Berkshire at this point if I didn’t own a share of it, if I didn’t get paid. I mean, it’s what I like doing in life, and that’s why I do it.

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